Embarassing canter-induced bladder issues

Here’s my two cents: do you take any vitamins or other supplements? Stop taking magnesium and anything with vitamin C. Switch from OJ to cranberry juice. This was night and day for me.

You are NOT alone!

I had the same problem. Get thee to your GYN doc and tell them you want a “mini arc” procedure. Readers Digest version of the explanation is they sling your bladder back up where it goes so it doesn’t put pressure where it doesn’t belong. Outpatient surgery, and works INSTANTLY. Your insurance should pay for it. I suffered for a couple of years and nearly ruined a custom saddle. Don’t wait that long.

I’m still PIMP

Well, last night I was doing a new workout video and when I got to the scissor lunges (where you lunge one leg forward, jump and switch to a lunge with the other leg forward) I experienced some leakage. :frowning: Not suprising as it’s a difficult exercise, and I guess it makes sense that if it’s stress incontinence that I’d experience it at other times too, but this is the first time it’s happened outside of the canter.

I called my gen. practitioner to get a referral to a urologist (an urologist…not sure which is proper) but he wants me to see gyno first as he we should rule out fibroids or uterine prolapse as they are apparently very common causes of this. My depends haven’t arrived yet so I don’t know for sure but I’m hoping they’ll get me through until I can get this cleared up medically.

Interesting about the magnesium. I’ve been taking a lot of epsom salt baths lately. I’ll cut those out and maybe give the dexatrim a shot too. One thing is for sure, I’m not going to quit riding in the meantime. It’s so nice to have “me” time with horses after taking such a long break. I didn’t realize how much I had missed it.

FYI as a quick fix, some narcotics reduce the ability to urinate, even when you WANT to go. Not sure if there aren’t better OTC fixes, but just as an idea…

I.P.F. ,

Because the gyn tract and urinary tract are anatomically so closely approximated, to fully and thoughtfully evaluate urinary incontinence in any given patient, both systems need to be examined in a systematic and coordinated manner to determine which “tract” (or both) is causing or contributing to the problem. Because of this, a good specialist to see is a uro-gynecologist. Typically, these doc’s are gynecologists with specialty training in uro-gynecology. And because urinary incontinence is a fairly common issue for women, doc’s with this type of specialty training and practice are fairly readily available in most larger communities.

I am an M.D., and the university medical center where I practice has an uro-gynecology subspecialty division and clinic devoted entirely to “leaky ladies”. By all reports, the coordinated evaluation of both the urinary and gyn tracts by the doc’s in this clinic has resulted in thoughtful and successful treatments individualized for each patient depending the specific contributions to the urinary incontinence by her gyn and/or urinary tracts.

Hope this helps! WJ

I also have I-C and a sensitive bladder.
I had to stop drinking cofee and any acidic drinks. Yes even orange juice.
I had 4 children and eventually I wil have to have the bladder surgically pulled back up too.
I found that I can’t ride certain saddles. I love the Kieffers but can’t ride one.Too narrow in the seat area. I find the old Stubben Sigrieds are the best saddles for me. Nice and wide in the seat. My pelvic bones sit on the side seams on the narrower seated saddles. I am tall and wide in the pelvis. I had a man’s Crosby 3 day event saddle that was great for me.
I do ride sidesaddles and I have no problems when I do ride in the sidesaddle.
You are not alone. There are many of us in the same boat. We deal with it the best we can and tryto find a Dr. who will listen to us. There are miraculous things they can do for this problem. Seek a good Dr. to help.
Wish you the best.
regards, sadlmakr

[QUOTE=I. P. Freely;4969074]
Well, last night I was doing a new workout video and when I got to the scissor lunges (where you lunge one leg forward, jump and switch to a lunge with the other leg forward) I experienced some leakage. :frowning: Not suprising as it’s a difficult exercise, and I guess it makes sense that if it’s stress incontinence that I’d experience it at other times too, but this is the first time it’s happened outside of the canter.

I called my gen. practitioner to get a referral to a urologist (an urologist…not sure which is proper) but he wants me to see gyno first as he we should rule out fibroids or uterine prolapse as they are apparently very common causes of this. My depends haven’t arrived yet so I don’t know for sure but I’m hoping they’ll get me through until I can get this cleared up medically.

Interesting about the magnesium. I’ve been taking a lot of epsom salt baths lately. I’ll cut those out and maybe give the dexatrim a shot too. One thing is for sure, I’m not going to quit riding in the meantime. It’s so nice to have “me” time with horses after taking such a long break. I didn’t realize how much I had missed it.[/QUOTE]

On the Dexatrim I think that might just be caffeine now that would be a bladder irritant and be totally what you don’t want. Dexatrim used to be phenyloproamine which has been pulled from the marketplace years ago. There are a number of drugs that do help with urinary issues, but, they all come with a number of side effects including dizziness so they are not the first line of things to try.

My guess is that first you need a diagnosis, so you know why that is happening, if the uterus is prolapsing, the bladder is dropping or has some other problems, or a combination of several possibilities.

Once you know, then you can find what to do for that, what would help you, that may not be what has helped others.

Come back with a specific diagnosis next and some may have had the same and can tell you what they did and how that went.:yes:

I’m no longer PIMP!

My lesson this week ended with dry breeches! yay for me! I feel like one of those cheesy pull-up commercials. :lol:

After doing a little research, I took some advice from this board and cut out caffiene. The headaches are near-debilitating, but I didn’t have any leakage at my last lesson, and we did a lot of canter work, including some spiral in/out, and lengthening/shortening exercises. I’m still keeping my appointment of course, but it definitely seems to have helped.

Now if I can just get past these headaches. How long does caffiene withdrawal last?

[QUOTE=I. P. Freely;4991591]
How long does caffiene withdrawal last?[/QUOTE]
Last time I did it… 3-4 days. Tylenol helps immensely.

I can’t get passed the username :lol:

Be grateful you made it to a canter, mine goes at a trot!!! And I have had a bladder repair in the past!! I just pee right before mounting and praise the lord for Tenor!!!

Ginarose- 8 year old thread!

I am sure it is still a current problem, lol.

One thing not mentioned – and I read the entire thread – was strengthening the glutes. That is what raises the pelvic floor. And this is probably why the lunges caused IPF’s second instance of leaking.

Glad the caffeine seems to work, but we can all use a better booty!

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I personally have not dealt with this, but i have worked with some people who have!!!

Do you pee right when you go into the canter? or does it happen after you have been cantering for awhile?

My student use to pee whenever she went into a canter ( she was not scared, it just happened) and we had her hold a 2 point when she went into a canter, and hold it for about have the arena, before she would take her seat again. she did that for months, and does not do it anymore :slight_smile:

I work for Gyno, I’d actually recommend a urologist instead :wink:

A urologist I know recommended double tampons before riding to increase the angle of the urethra and put a bit of pressure on it. Uncomfortable if you have not had kids, but then leaking is usually a mid-life issue!