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Embark Age Test

Has anyone used the Embark DNA test that is supposed to tell you your dog’s age? What is your opinion? I have 2 elderly rescue dogs that I’d love to get an accurate age on but am a bit leery of shelling out all that money.

I believe they recalled it due to some concerns about its accuracy (I’m guessing enough “control group” people with dogs with a known DOB submitted samples and reported major discrepancies?). If they re-released it, I won’t lie, I would still be skeptical based on that initial failed launch.

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I heard that they re-released it. It may be more accurate now. I tested all three of my dogs and none of the estimated ages were even possible. They refunded everyone.

The way it was worded at the time was that it was supposed to be accurate within 20 months in either direction. So, If they said your pup was born January 1, 2020, it could be any date between Sept 1, 2021 and May 1, 2018. That’s a pretty big window, in my opinion.

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