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Enablers, unite. Old lady dreams

As a (not quite yet) 60 year old woman about to climb on board a ditzy young 3 year old - GO FOR IT!!!


You know - your body knows. And if you got this chance, maybe you will get another. You have the connections for it now.


I am actually going to undertake a 2nd lease horse at a different barn, one that has trails, and will allow my graddaughter-with-the-unpredictable-schedule to share horse adventures with me.

They also go to events in the area, and my little lease horse may take me next year if I can get in shape. He is not a Prelim-ready mount! But I no longer have prelim dreams. I was thrilled to discover Woodside now offers an elementary level, and that might be just fine for my return to the Big Show.


How was the jump judging @aregard ? I asked a couple people if they were you during my course walks but either they weren’t, or you were shy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We made it around our final BN, got a ribbon, and we’re going N at Twin next month. Little mare is ready!


Haha. Not shy. I was in the golf cart, wrestling my grandkids. Grandaughter was riding backwards, to warn of any oncoming competitor. Grandson was keeping the snack cooler in the cart. We were collecting scores and giving away treats.

I was surprised to see that Woodside is now doing an elementary division, so I’m going to aim for that with my second lease horse (if he still has it in him). Ought to be able to get fit enough for that given a few months headstart. So maybe I’ll see you later in the year.

I checked the scores, but couldn’t figure out which horse might have been yours. None of them named “Star of Xanthoria”. Congrats on your good performance.