
Know im not the only one here and kinda need support/pity party.

I control mine with depo every 8 weeks and every few years i need a lapro surgery to clean up.

Had one booked july 11 dr cancelled! She was also to remove any bands or septum (unicorniate uterus)

In pain she gave me naproxen for cramps but nsaids dont work well for me

I’m sorry that you have to deal with this. Most people don’t realize that bad cramps can be debilitating. And I’m sure you have other issues too. Why would the Dr cancel and not reschedule?

I am sorry you’re going through this. I have had one surgery already and had to do a series of Lupron injections this year. The Lupron caused me to develop rheumatoid arthritis.

I’m sorry that you have to deal with this. Most people don’t realize that bad cramps can be debilitating. And I’m sure you have other issues too. Why would the Dr cancel and not reschedule?[/QUOTE]

Not sure! She does surgery days 2 days a week

I am sorry you’re going through this. I have had one surgery already and had to do a series of Lupron injections this year. The Lupron caused me to develop rheumatoid arthritis.[/QUOTE]

I know how you feel i have ra, not related to endo, its frustrating.

Thank you guys for your ongoing support, i have had health issues since a baby, when i was at the childrens hospital(clinics ect, they kick you out at 18) had 4 big charts! The whole medical issues can metally put me in a bad place, it wears me down , and being able to talk and vent on coth helps soo much

There have been a few threads here about Endo. I am so sorry you suffer from this. I have had 4 surgeries for Endo, and my advice to you would be to make SURE that you get a Dr. who is a specialist at LAPAROSCOPIC EXCISION. There is a GREAT Facebook Group that has some very knowledgeable folks - even MD’s - who are happy to answer questions, and lend support. The link is:


There is a sticky at the top of the page with a pretty neat spreadsheet that you may find helpful.


Thanks!! Yep this new dr is specialist in lapro!

How about a doc who could do a uterine ablation? I had endo, had an ablation, bye-bye cramps (and period!). Of course, if you want kids, you can’t do this, but this was a life saver for me!

[QUOTE=sign of Grace;7045105]
How about a doc who could do a uterine ablation? I had endo, had an ablation, bye-bye cramps (and period!). Of course, if you want kids, you can’t do this, but this was a life saver for me![/QUOTE]

Will keep that in mind for later:) im 23 now and want at least 1 kid eventually but good idea for after

No, not just a Dr who specializes in Lapros, but a Dr who will Excise the Endo (cut) rather then just burn it out - as most do.

I had Lupron injections, but ultimately had both ovaries removed. If you don’t want anymore kids, it’s something to think about. Mine was uncontrollable and they couldn’t find it except with biopsy of the ovary.
I am suspicious that Lupron may have set off the cascade of nerve damage that I am still “living” with 3 years later. Lupron can cause varicose veins in rare cases and that is what they found crushing my obturator nerve. I seem to be a magnate for side effects.
I’m sorry you are going through this. :frowning:

I had horrible Endo in my 20’s. I took 4 advil every 4 hours for 4 days straight & I am a petite gal.

Tried it all: laser lap, the pill, Lupron, depo & IUD. I found anything hormonal made my me flare up with cystic acne & be not such a nice person. :slight_smile:

The Endo got better in my 30’s (I have absolutely no idea why) & I had a uterine ablation. No more period, no more cramps, no more PMS. The only regret I have is I wish I’d done it sooner.

If you decide to get one: DO NOT let some male GYN tell you they can do it in the office. BS! Any U/S tech can tell you about all those types of jobs that are botched. Go to a female doc who specializes in this, will use twilight sleep sedation & has high success rates.

Good Luck!