So horse and I had a great time on our first 25-mile CTR and will definitely be going back for more. We’re going to try a two-day 50, also CTR, in August, and an endurance 50 in October if all goes well with that.
Horse has battled intermittent idiopathic back-soreness in the past but is (knock wood) currently doing well. I’m riding in my jump saddle and did the 25 in just a plain cotton AP pad, because that’s what’s been working best, and his back was declared “perfect” at the vetting out. Hurrah!
I would really like to upgrade his saddle pad to something non-cotton and with more shock-absorption. Have been reading up on endurance pads, but I don’t have an easy way to check them out in person and it looks/sound like most of them are designed for saddles with a much straighter flap than mine. Is this true or optical illusion?
I’m also looking at some of the popular sport-horse options but am just not loving what I’m seeing/what I’ve tried in the past.
Thoughts and recommendations? Thanks!