English Girl Needs Western Attire Advice

OK - no one’s mentioned spurs yet!!! There is nothing that says Cowgirl like the jingle jangle of big Western spurs. OP, make sure you practice walking around in them and getting on/off your horse because they will absolutely trip you up in public, but never in private. The worst is when you step backwards, get tangled in your spurs, and fall on your arse. Ask me how I know! :lol:

Very valid point, Palm Peach! It didn’t even cross my mind - thanks for bringing it up!

I absolutely hate the short chunky look of the Ariat Fatbabys - or any other similar boot.

I have these and they are SUPER comfortable: http://www.bootbarn.com/Ariat-Women's-Tombstone-Western-Boots/1012870,default,pd.html?dwvar_1012870_color=Black

The only thing I don’t care for is the top part of the boot isn’t a soft leather that breaks in, its more of a patent leather on the outside, so stays sort of stiff. I would like these boots in one of the other colors, that do have a leather upper part that will soften and slouch with wear. The boot is very comfortable though.

I absolutely hate the short chunky look of the Ariat Fatbabys - or any other similar boot. [/QUOTE]

Me, too! :lol: I broke down, though, when they were on sale at the farm store and I wanted some short boots for stomping around in. You know, they actually make my feet look small and they are so comfortable!

Two good articles about boots, toes and heels.


This one has pictures (scroll down for links).


My Ariats have the toe the second article calls “R.” They are super comfortable for riding, less so for walking.

I don’t do barrel racing, so can’t advise on that. And I’m not built for jeans, so I like stretch ones. :slight_smile:

MidnightWriter, thanks for those resources!