English sheepskin seat savers

I have an 18" deep seat AP/jump saddle (measures 19" from the edge of the pommel to the edge of the cantle when I allow the tape to “drape” into the depth of the seat) that I’d like to find a comfortable, high quality sheepskin seat saver for that doesn’t move/slide around while riding. I currently have a Fleeceworks and like the feel, but the “pocket” for lack of a better word that slides over the cantle is not very deep and therefore it comes off and slides around easily, and I think I’d also prefer a design that covers the skirt, as the style of this one (not really like a lollipop/keyhole pad, but it doesn’t cover the skirt) can leave a funny feeling pressure point. Since my saddle has a deep seat/high cantle, I think something made for a dressage saddle might fit it better (the dressage ThinLine fits it perfectly).

I’ve looked around and have found a couple I’m interested in, and would like to know if anyone here has any experience with them, or has other recommendations:


My only concern with this one is that there is no mention of a strap running underneath, and it only has straps underneath the skirt (which I like, but worry it won’t be enough to keep it in place).

Christ Lammfelle:

I really like this one, but the large size says it fits saddles 17" or larger and I didn’t see any measurements of the actual seat saver itself (just says it fits “MOST” saddles, and I’ve already tried several other seat savers with the same claim that did not even come close to fitting; I suppose I could reach out to them and ask for measurements)

Shear Comfort Oversized Seat:
This one looks nice, but it doesn’t appear to have a “pocket” over the cantle, so I wonder if it will slide or bunch.

Shear Comfort Full Cover:
Same as above, only a full cover. This would prevent pressure points from the edge of the cover, but I’ve never ridden in one like this before. Are they bulky under the leg, and are they slick? Do they interfere with your stirrups at all?


We have both types you have linked from Distance Depot on various saddles (two are 18s and one is an 18.5 seat size). The full cover does have the pocket over the cantle but the seat cover only does not.

I have not found them to move or bunch, but I am a lazy distance rider who only uses my leg when I have to and spends very little time sitting the trot or canter. :wink:

The covers are not slick and I don’t find them bulky. I could see the full cover potentially interfering with your stirrup/leg position if you were jumping big fences as it does limit how far forward or back your leg can pivot. I can ride downhill without issue though, so think it would be fine for most things.

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Thanks for the info! I’m just planning to use it for W/T/C (with posting and two-point/half seat) and maybe popping over a small log or two, but nothing crazy.

Do you have a preference between the two styles?

I love the full cover as then I don’t need to ride with my half chaps (unless I am going somewhere with stickers and want to protect my pants/legs). We have the seat-only covers because I got them at a yard sale for a steal… so can’t justify buying new full covers until we have worn out the ones we have.

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one downside to any of the covers is if you are riding in the rain or somewhere they get wet… then they are like sitting on a wet sponge.

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As an alternative, I use Acavallo gel seat saver pads. They have models with the gel surface facing the saddle, and models with the gel facing your butt.

I think they also have a model combining gel and wool.

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I have the Shear Comfort full cover, Works on my 18" dressage saddle and my Freeform. I did sew a 1" elastic strap from the back of the cantle pocket to the front center of the cover, that closes with a clip. I found I got a bit of movement during exciting moments, and while I didn’t come off I felt like I might! It was easy to do and those with less, um, ambitious horses might not need it! It is so very comfy!

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I have the Mattes and it does have a strap that runs under the saddle in the channel between the panels. It’s fit well on and 18” and an 18 1/2” dressage saddle.

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I’ve been riding in these for decades (various brands, but same attachments):

They work on my 18/18.5” saddles no problem, and stay in place for dressage, trails, and low jumping no problem. I had a cut made in one for stirrup leathers to go on the outside for jumping once, which worked well.

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I’m a loyal user of the Horsedream Importers seat saver: https://horsedreamimporters.com/collections/seat-savers/products/seat-saver-english
You can check their measurements but they should be good on up to an 18" English saddle.

I’ve had mine for years, put over 1500 miles on it with just a spin through the wash using some Woolite a couple of times a year. Has held up wonderfully!


Thank you all for your responses!

I decided to go with the Mattes, because I liked the fact that it has the strap running underneath and I’m not adept at sewing. I haven’t had a chance to ride in it yet, but have tried it on my saddle (as well as a couple of others in my collection), and so far I am very impressed with the fit, stability, and quality! I like how deep the pocket that goes over the cantle is, and how snugly it fits, as well as the straps that go under the skirts and the adjustable strap and that goes underneath the channel (all very well made as well and seem like they will be durable). I anticipate that it will stay in place and really like how soft and high quality it is, and I also like the fact that there is no bulk or pressure points under my leg or seat (something I didn’t like about the fleece/sheepskin seat savers that don’t fit the entire skirt like this). It’s very comfortable to sit in, though I’ve only sat on it on a saddle stand! I’ll update when I get a chance to ride in it for anyone else who may be looking for something similar!

I got the large size from Dover (I believe that’s the only size they carry) and it fits the saddle in question (18" deep seat AP/jump saddle), my 17.5" flat close contact saddle, and my new 18.5" Collegiate Marathon English endurance saddle. I got the natural color and the sheepskin is lovely! Though pricey, so far it seems very worth it, as it’s by far the nicest and best fitting I’ve tried!


Thought I would update this (entirely too late) and say that I’ve since ridden in the Mattes seat saver I bought and it is perfect! It stays in place extremely well, is very comfortable, and to me it didn’t feel bulky or like it got in the way of anything. Layering it with the ThinLine underneath is perfect for trail riding! I highly recommend the Mattes to anyone looking. Yes, they are pricey compared to many of the others, but 100% worth it if you’re looking for a good seat saver that doesn’t shift. The ThinLine is also great, especially if you don’t need a substantial amount of padding and just want the shock absorption, but the Mattes is perfect for longer rides.