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EQ Science saddles

She agrees that for $6k it should really solve the issue. The horse is an odd shape. Everything slides forward. So far this one does also.

I assume she has tried getting him measured and tried the custom saddle route?


I feel for her! I have had 2 challenging fits of my own( my last 2) and any of us horse owners who go through that particular he## can offer our sympathies…

Keep trying. The saddle is out there!

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I am not sure why people think this. There are an endless $ of reasons for the issue. I would like to see how the horse looks and moves undersaddle after one year with a classical dressage trainer. With a heavy emphasis on ground work. The likelhood that better training could improve the issue is very high.

The more saddle fitters try to fit people and horses, the more they learn that saddle fit cannot correct inherent asymetry, weak technique or bodies, or dysfunctional mechanics.

In other words, there is a very high probability the problem is not the saddle.

Now if someone feels they have perfected all elements humanly possible and the animal is just inherently wonky, then I don’t see how you expect to find any saddle already in existence to address the special equine snowflake.

A custom padded Ansur, or similar minimalist treeless, is probably the only way to go.


Yes. As with everything with horses, some just don’t like it.

I own a mare with KS who also has some moderate saddle-fit challenges. (crazy wide between the stirrup bars, a bit downhill, moderate withers) I had access to a saddle fitter/RP rep when I was saddle searching. I tried her in an RP, which was a textbook fit, and Miss Mare despised it. IIRC I dismounted in motion to diffuse the situation. Fitter had never seen a horse have that reaction to an RP before, but fully agreed that it was a hard pass.


I hope you aren’t presuming this hasn’t been done… There is still a saddle fit issue, and perhaps there is no saddle that can compensate for the horse’s shape, but it was worth a try…

Heya! Full disclosure, I’m a rep with EQ. While our saddles can be a fantastic solution for a variety of horse and rider situations, we certainly don’t expect our technology to work for everyone! We have a lot of experience fitting some unique conformations, but there are definitely some horses and riders that prefer something else.

Besides the technology, we hope that the other thing that sets our company apart is that we see our customers as family - we’re not interested in selling a saddle to you and disappearing. We’re dedicated to making (and keeping) riders and horses happy. That’s in addition to a pretty generous trial, lease options, and return policy.

We’re also always listening and considering comments and advice!

As far as long-term experiences with the brand, I started riding in the saddles before I became a rep. I found a used EQ saddle in 2018 and started repping and training to become a fitter in 2021. My horse is in his 20’s now and still progressing in his training (can’t rush these things!), and I’ll be bringing along a young horse when I put on my big girl panties and get her going under saddle (with an EQ, I hope!)

Happy to chat with anyone wanting more information or just curious how it all works!

Rachel Daniels


Just to be clear - while the saddle didn’t work for this particular horse the company has been amazing to work with. Very very pleased with the customer service, just isn’t the right fit…


That is just the way saddle shopping is. Many of us wish it wasn’t. "One size fits all " has definite appeal.

I am sure that makes for many happy, satisfied riders and horses. Nothing like excellent customer service.


Rachel where are you located ?

Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

I had this same experience when I trialed one a couple (few?) years ago. I loved the saddle myself, the horse went great in at first, and they were nothing but wonderful to work with, especially when he developed back pain in a very specific spot caused by the panels being too long for him, as a curvy-backed pony. I hope that my next horse has conformation better suited to it, I joke that I loved it so much it still haunts my dreams, and the customer service was so good I wouldn’t hesitate to give them a second chance.


So excited to have a rep nearby! Next time I am saddle shopping, I am definitely trying one!

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Give a shout when you’re ready! I’m happy to discuss!