Equestrian Arts Institute, In Mebane, NC, anyone heard of?

I’m not that active here anymore, but wanted to post here because I figured I might get more response from a larger forum :slight_smile:

I got an email from the program director at this place called the Equestrian Arts Institute (http://www.equestrianartsinstitute.com/) about being interested in leasing my horse, Clyde, today.

From what she describes, it sounds like a great program, but I want to see if anyone here had heard anything about it? It’s 4 1/2hrs. from where I live, and I don’t think I’ll have time to make that trip anytime soon due to my current schedule. So, any info. anyone has on the program, barn, etc. would be great!

They contacted me about a horse I had for sell 3 yr ago. They wanted to lease him for their shwo string. I declined for personal reasons and I didn’t want my horse beign ridden into the ground by a bunch of teenagers who were not resposnsible for the horse’s future soundness, vet bills etc.

It could be a good situation, I just didn’t look further into it when she said they wanted to use him for lessons and students to show.

Kady, I will PM you later, I just don’t have time right now. But don’t ship him tonight :wink:

Thanks guys! And EqTrainer, don’t worry, I won’t :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s the first I’ve heard of them, not that that means anything :lol:

Actually, a few people have said this, which is why I’m wondering if it’s a legit place or what.

i have received the same email about a lease for my horse! more info please!

I recieved a similiar email when I had a pony for sale. He wasn’t for lease though, so I didn’t persue it at all.

I recently had these people contact me about the horses I have for sale/lease, and like the OP, I am wondering if these people are legit? Does anyone know anything about them? I googled for a website, but it is down.

Thanks :slight_smile:

There is a recent thread regarding them and their search for horses. Makes for good reading if you’re not drinking anything hot.

Thanks Lex :slight_smile:

In case you are wondering, they have been going around the various Internet horse forums such as this one trying to get horses for the past several months and they have done it a few times before with varying degrees of success. I don’t know what that means exactly but I would say that none of the locals have a favorable opinion about them and won’t deal with them based on what others have hinted. There are no official records of any of the staff being involved in the sport until recently but they insist that the instructor has an impeccable pedigree in the sport going back decades so I’d err on the side of caution and talk to some of the folks who have dealt with them before.

Going beyond their usual stuff, apparently they’ve started trolling on facebook for people to come ride with them.

Tacky. And pathetic.

They had a bunch of horses for sale on Craigslist a few weeks ago. Some of the pictures of them undersaddle showed some … interesting … riding. :eek:

I know next to nothing about the place, but just based on those pictures, I wouldn’t send a horse of mine there.

Yep- they contacted me too. Horse did not go there. Never met them though.

I expect that all three of you will probably get harassment messages or messages from someone relatively new on COTH trying to make friends with you claiming to be new to your area or something along those lines so they can find a way to harass you later. That’s what happened after the thread I posted. I got a rather angry long-winded message from NCSUEQUINE, who claimed everything I was saying was just made up and refuting the facts, when it’s all verifiable public information if you do your research, and then I got messages from her under the username Houdiniboy, claiming to be a new Eventer that relocated to the Manassas area, but I already knew who they really were because “Houdini” is the name of a horse used by her, and the first post they made was in reference to the thread because they wanted to find the archived competition records for the person who runs the program, which we already established as non-existent by checking said records, and one of their following posts was asking “Can anyone find out who I am from what I put here?”, which led to her believing that she was in fact anonymous when in reality, I had already known who she was and what she wanted to do. After I didn’t respond to her initial message, she then sent me another message, calling me a faceless liar when she realized I had already known who she really was. It made me laugh. I tell ya, COTH is better than any reality TV show. It’s Jerry Springer, Jon and Kate + Eight, The Real World, and Big Brother all rolled into one meaty sandwich of beefy drama.

:lol: Definitely the hallmarks of a professional organization. Wow.

Well, it’s really nothing abnormal in the horse world. That’s why I am VERY selective when it comes to the horse people I associate with and I usually go out of my way to avoid publicizing the fact that I’m an Equestrian to anyone who meets me because I don’t want to attract the ones who are nothing but trouble. That’s why I don’t have horse vanity plates on any of my vehicles or any other signs of Equestrian-hood in my daily life. I don’t buy horse stuff whenever I see it and don’t do the happy dance if I see something horse-related.

Wow, just saw this (got a PM from someone warning me about this place), and I’m glad I didn’t pursue it further for Clyde! He has been leased out now since November and is living in MD now :slight_smile:

Dragging this back up to the top. Can those of you who’ve gotten the inside scoop, pm details? Was at a show recently and BO’s hony caught the eye of the trainer of EAI and they may be coming to look at her. I’m feeling a mite bit concerned and over protective of a sweet quirky mare who doesn’t need any more drama in her life.