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Equestrian Targeted Fitness Programs

Thank you, Thats the one… Has anyone tried it?

I’ve gone through DRT3 and really liked it. I’ve done lots of general fitness (weight training and running up to half marathons), but the rider-specific work has been a game-change due to many of the reasons others have cited. Now I make up my own workouts, but use some of the DRT exercises, targeting where I feel like I have the most room for improvement. Now I do a lot of work on a Bosu ball for balance, and most of my strength work is bodyweight or resistance band, so I can even keep up with it when traveling. I’d say it’s really opened up my seat so I can sit deeply with my thighs flat on the saddle and toes pointed forward. My habit of collapsing my left side isn’t totally cured, but has improved quite a bit. Another thing traditional gym workouts don’t target is reflex time, which of course is critical to making quick adjustments and staying in balance in the tack.

DressurFit is another program I’ve heard good things about. It’s with Jessica VonBredow-Werndl, so probably worth looking into if you ride dressage.

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Activate Your Seat?

I’ll have to come back later up for more, but I did order one about two years ago and never kept up with it.

Say more about this! What exercises? Do you have a website? Where are you located?

This is listed in the profile, so I’m assuming the program. http://www.katiehullfitness.com/

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I use my Home Horse once or twice a week. Even the days when I could not use it for more than 6 minutes it helped my riding muscle fitness and balance.

When I make it to 20-20+minutes it definitely helps, per my long time riding teacher.

With my MS I definitely need a spotter to help me get on and off, and to keep an eye on the bubble balance I have on the HH platform.

I notice it working on my gut muscles, back muscles and thigh muscles mainly. When I use the bridle extension and use the reins it also works on my arms and upper back some.

I do not have to leave my house to ride my HH, which saves me a LOT of energy.

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Yep, @luvmyhackney got it! katiehullfitness.com - I do custom programs for all kinds of people, online and in person, but especially like working with riders as I am one! :grinning: I also got super frustrated trying to find strength training to complement my riding and running. I felt like so many programs were squats on squats on squats and a lot of focus on pecs and biceps. Those are the muscles that stand out visually and look impressive when you’re talking to someone, but don’t do a whole lot to keep me on my horse. So, here I am to change all that and give us some more options!


I love Riders Pilates Club. I don’t always do 2 sessions per week (sometimes more, sometimes less), but I’m on I think the 5th course and with the catch-up weeks I always manage to finish each session at least once. I really appreciate what it has done for my general strength, mobility, and posture. I’ve also dropped my stirrups a hole and have sat some decently sized spooks that I would have not made it through previously. So I find for me a lot of good benefit. I did try the strength training add on and I definitely did NOT stick with that one, it just isn’t my jam.

Another one I looked into but have not pulled the trigger is Hidden Heights Fitness (Laura Crump Anderson) - she does a customized assessment and training plan. I just don’t think I’m in a place yet to really take advantage of the investment. I need to get a better foundation in place before it’s the best next step for me personally.


Last year I started with the Aubenhausen Club (Jessica v Bredow Werndl) and I have been doing it ever since…the excersises are great and it’s great to work out in front of the Werndls and Raphael Netz :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

It was really funny, my hubby watched the Dressage Worldcup and told me afterwards that he only liked one German male rider…. I laughed and told him that I believe him and like that rider too because I work out with him every day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::muscle:
And I believe he is as good as he is because of the workouts….

This is the New year challenge, only with Jessica von Bredow Werndl…

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From Julie Goodnight’s ride until you are 90 session at Equine Affaire:

Work on core strength and balance. Stand in your stirrups, starting at the walk. Hang onto the mane if you need to about 1/3 up the neck. Move onto the trot when you are ready. I’m walktrot, so I don’t do the canter. :smile: I stopped for a while and when I started up again I was surprised at the difference.

Also concentrate on your posture. Check it several times a day to make sure you are not starting to hunch. If you worship your smartphone all the time, stop. There is a new, as-yet-unnamed diagnosis of problems at the base of the neck. I have a flip phone - not a problem.

This might be of interest. Friday May 26, free half hour online equestrian fitness course by Gina T Allan on Vancouver Island. I did a seat clinic with her once, very useful. She’s a dressage rider, coach, and I think Pilates or other certified fitness instructor?

If the link doesn’t work you can search her on FB. I think it’s a public page.

The clinic was yesterday, April 26. Not May.