Equestrians with blood clots

So I posted something last week over on the off course thread for things to keep me busy while I recover, and heard from a few who have gone through what I did, which really helped me out, but it didn’t occur to me to post over on this thread! But since misery loves company, why not?
A week ago this past Friday, I ended up in the ER with what turned out to be a blood clot in my leg. It had been bothering me off and on for 3 weeks and I figured I tore somthing. Two weeks earlier, I had been plowed over by one of my old horses when I made the mistake of getting between her and breakfast and an open gate! Nothing serious, I just flew through the air and landed on soft ground. I finally called my orthopedic last Friday to make an appointment when I realized my leg was swollen. Well that night, the leg was twice the size and rock hard. I called my ortho at home and he had me go to the ER pronto and had me admitted…the cardiac floor couldn’t understand why an ortho was admitting me! And I was told I was their youngest and healthiest patient on the floor! I spent a day in the hospital and came home to ordered bed rest. I had to give myself levicol (sp?) injections twice a day in the stomach until teh Cumodin kicked in and my numbers were high…which finally happened Wednesday. Let me tell you, I have a new found respect for my 13 year old nephew with juvenile diabeties. Anyhow, the Doctor cleared me to go back to work, etc, which I did on Thursday. But I still just don’t feel 100%. Mornings are worse, it takes a while to get the fluff out of my head. I am lightheaded. The worse thing though is my leg hurts all the time. Tylenol helps some. I barely made it through work the first day back and Friday, my 2nd day back was a half day for me anyhow. I have not resumed riding or barn chores because when I am at the barn, the heat really gets to me now and I am wiped out just from grooming! Thankfully I have a wonderful boarder who has taken over chores for me and my daughter arrives home tomorrow from college to help out. One posted over on offcourse said her leg hurt for 18 months and was weak. Great. There have also been suggestions to exercise it.
Since I am healthy and a non-smoker, I was told to stop my birth control, which I did (I am 47). So I think that is also throwing my body out of whack…30 years on birth control and now no hormones…I have had insomnia to top this all off. My friend said the birth control may have been keeping menopause at bay and now that I have stopped, it may be setting in…great…I have also gone from sleeping with a comforter and 2 blankets to just a sheet, literally overnight (not that I am sleeping anyhow!)
So as I said, misery loves company, any advice is welcome!

Blood Clots , something I know about. Be glad you were able to treat it while still in your leg. I have had clots twice and both times they moved into my lungs before I knew about it. Being paralyzed causes a bit of a problem with detecting it. Exercise is a good thing you need to keep your blood circulating so you don’t have a re-occurance, walking is good, and the amount you can do is pretty much as tolerated. I can’t help you on how long you will have pain in your leg, but most Dr.s like to keep you on the blood thinners for 6 months after you have blood clots.

I myself get to stay on Coumadin forever since it has been discoverdd that my blood likes to just clot some autoimmune thing my blood has.

So good luck on your recovery.