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Equiband Users - I Need Help

I just ordered the Catago Firtech Training Pad from Dover, which is essentially an Equiband but with a BOT ceramic therapy base pad, and it arrived today. I always thought the EQUiband would be great with a BOT pad as my horses really like those pads. Overall, the pad seems fine if oddly proportioned. The bands though have given me pause. The bands are just 2-3in wide elastic? Not the rubbery tension physical therapy bands but like goes in your sweatpants’ waistband elastic. Not very resistant at all for what is supposed to be a resistance band device. Will I get the same benefit or should I send it back? I feel like it’s not going to perform the same.

The bands were also in odd positions after a short w/t lunge with them to gauge the horse’s reaction (there was no bucking or any theatrics). See photo below. Maybe I don’t have them adjusted correctly? It came with no instructions - how do I know if the bands are too tight or too loose? I don’t want to give up on the idea as I think it will be very helpful for my other horse who isn’t able to be ridden currently, as well as this horse who likes to invert or otherwise not use herself correctly, but I’m currently discouraged.

Your butt band is too high and the belly band is too far forward.

Yep I know! But they didn’t start that way, and didn’t stay where I put them when I readjusted them. Did they move because the barns are too tight? They aren’t very tight at all, especially the belly band, I was aiming for tight enough to make consistent contact when in motion (so the butt band wouldn’t droop and flop around when trotting, for example).

I have the actual EquiCore and my bands are HEAVY DUTY. Like they definitely work because they’re definitely there, having an effect.

For that reason alone, I’d return what you have if you can. The bands need to have tension to work.

I’ve also never seen the real EquiCore put things in those positions, even on lots of different horses. It seems to have the clips in such a place that the bands sit better. No matter the tightness.


The actual Equicore bands are, as described, heavy rubber— almost like rubber belts.

The bands in the photos don’t appear to be sitting properly and I don’t see how they would sit properly even if loosened slightly. And loose is not the point, anyway?!

The actual Equicore bands grip and really stay in place. I don’t see this knock off being as effective.


The Equicore bands have a fitting guide on their website that explains what to do (at the bottom of the page) if the bands slip around up or back, as well as how tight to make them. (The link is here.) I have had the EquiCore ones move around if they are not adjusted properly, but never if they are.

Maybe the brand you got has something similar? If not, perhaps just go with the Equicore instructions and see what happens?

You can buy the bands themselves on Amazon. Just shop for resistance bands (the ones I bought to replace my worn Equiband bands were black, which I think (color wise) related to the amount of stretch?

I say that just to point out that you could replace the bands if the band material is a bigger problem than the fit of the rest.

Also, for prorioreception, the bands do not have to be “tight”…it’s more about something being there than the actual stretching of the bands.


I got this same Catago knockoff also. The butt band wouldn’t even stretch around my guy, at least a foot too short. Ended up buying a roll of heavy duty Theraband (silver?) resistance band material off Amazon and double knotting it to the buckles and fitting it according to how the Equiband site notes it. Disappointed as the real thing isn’t even that much more expensive, but at least have gotten it up and running.

Thanks guys! I am going to try and send it back and have ordered the Equiband. I thought about replacing the bands but it’s not much cheaper than the Real Deal and I honestly don’t love the pad / don’t want to mess with it. I thought I had read the bands don’t need to be tight, but also thought it read that the rubbery type material “grabs” the hair a little which helps the prorioreception (sp?) effect. I’m not convinced the Catago bands will ever stay in the correct position either.

Yeah the bands don’t need to be exceptionally tight to work, but some tension is the idea. The pad itself on the EquiCore isn’t my favorite (as far as pads go) but it’s sturdy and does the job. I don’t think they could do a nice soft pad without yanking the whole apparatus out from under the saddle :joy:. Just warning you that you probably won’t love the pad itself but the whole thing is worth the price IMO, for the quality bands and clips and ease of use!