Equifit Gel Bands Question

[Cross-posted to Off Topic]

I broke my ankle last fall and have some hardware in there now. It changed the shape of my leg enough that I had to order new (custom) boots–which are wonderful except for the fact that one of the creases at the ankle seems to be perfectly positioned to press right on the hardware–which can be rather painful.

I’m wondering about the gel bands as adding a bit of padding, but I can’t tell how thick they are from the video on the Smartpak Site. There is room in my boot at the ankle (done on purpose to accommodate swelling), so I have some space to play with…anyone have any thoughts?

I’m a fox hunter and we’re about to start our season, so grinning and bearing it for hours in the saddle isn’t really an option…

You may be better off with something like this, that can’t ride up.

I got these on amazon, exactly like equifit ones: https://www.amazon.com/Silipos-Tubing-Silopad-Mesh-Wide/dp/B000BTTP74/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1530820726&sr=8-3&keywords=silipos+gel+sleeve&dpID=41og3aFZWmL&preST=SX300_QL70&dpSrc=srch

They are a few mm thick - maybe 3mm? I use them to prevent rubbing and for that they are ah-may-zing. I don’t know how they would do to distribute pressure. Have you considered having your boots stretched in that area by a good cobbler?

I wound up trying a pair of these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B076PSX6FR/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and they work GREAT. I just used them both on the side of my ankle that has the hardware and…no more pain from the crease in the boot.

Thanks, everyone, for your advise!