IPEsq one of my goals is to get people to have analyses done every so often. This is what tracks progress and also how an oncoming injury can be discovered and prevented. In order to encourage this, I offer a discount on the price of a gait analysis if one is done within 12 months of the previous analysis.
netg I fully realize that engineering doesn’t tell my jack about the way a horse works. 18 years of riding (not backyard riding either) and studying the anatomy, training, movement, and different types of lameness on my own time as well as 4 years of engineering school at a top university provides me with enough knowledge to know more than jack does.
GoodTimes I completely understand that every living being on the planet is asymmetric. No one and nothing is perfect. I’m not trying to show every little tiny detail. I’m picking out major asymmetries that were perhaps past injuries that could cause future problems. My goal would be to work with a vet for a PPE. I believe that the information I provide is more accurate than a flex test which is the only other option. By pinpointing problem areas, a vet can then do further tests such as X-Rays to the problem areas.
Abbie.S there is no way to determine there is a market for my business until I try it. I won the money to buy the software and equipment I needed in a business competition so I haven’t lost anything. Additionally, the is a company called Centaur Biomechanics located in England that is doing exactly this (using the same program I do) very successfully. Unfortunately, the US is behind the times which is why I’m bringing this technology to the US in hopes we can improve. Just look at the 2012 Olympics. England won 5 medals (gold in both team and individual dressage) and the US won 0. Team GB is using this technology and is proving that it works. I just hope people here will realize that. One of the purposes of my business is to not only provide the data and graphs but also create a report that includes suggestions for treatment (remedial shoeing, chiro, etc), tack changes (primarily saddles), and training exercises. I want to find the problems then bring other professionals in as needed. I think its an absolute shame that my horse’s chiropractor, farrier, and vet don’t all work together and communicate. I want to be that mediator for everyone to work together towards the health of the horse. Its time we start treating the horse as a whole.
poltroon I agree regarding the dressage riders. They are the majority of the clients for the company doing this in England as well. I also agree with working with a vet. I absolutely know that what I provide can not be achieved with any number of tests that a vet would perform. And when this comes to a “mystery” injury it means less time doing tests which means less money and a faster recovery.