Equine Photography Clinic by Bob Langrish in Houston, March 7, 2015, at Sonesta Farms

Want to learn to take fabulous photos of horses from one of the top equine photographers in the world?

Bob Langrish will be in Houston in early March and will teach a hands on full day clinic in equine photography to 8 lucky people. Some of what you will learn:

Mechanics of the camera - settings for various situations, lenses and their advantages and limitations, how to get the shot if you only have one camera, how to get the shots if you have two cameras (and how to juggle them)

Postioning yourself to get the best shots, best angles, use of helpers, how to set yourself and the horse up to get the best backgrounds, what grooming of the horse is needed and what is not, using lighting artistically, establishing a moving pattern for the horse and how to achieve it with helpers, how to keep you, your helpers and the horses safe.

You will photograph horses at liberty and conformation and head shots and learn what settings and lenses to use for each. We may also work on capturing the “money shots” in dressage and showjumping.

After the live photoshoots, we will have wine and cheese while we go through the photos you took and Bob will help you determine what you did right and how to fix next time what didn’t come out so well.

Recommended cameras are DSLR Canons or Nikons with 70mm-200mm and/or a 28-70. If you have a longer lens like 300mm//400mm/500mm and an extender either 1.4 on Canon or 1.7 on Nikon, bring them and Bob will show you how to get the best from them. This is NOT a clinic for using a point & shoot camera or your iPhone! There are limited numbers of cameras that will be available for use if you do not have a suitable one. Let us know BEFORE the clinic if you need to borrow one.

Cost will be $400 for the day. To learn more about Bob Langrish, visit www.boblangrish.com. For more info about the clinic email Rebecca@SonestaFarms.com