Equine Rescue Facilities

As Cazenovia College seniors participating in a market research project, we seek your help to gather valuable input regarding equine rescue facilities. Our group of researchers is comprised of Leah Buracchi, Marisa Ciccarello, Jacie Cupertino and Cori Gubner. Our project is designed to collect data about the effectiveness of the various modes of advertisement used by equine rescue facilities. This survey is geared directly towards the administration of equine rescue facilities to obtain data from the rescue’s perspective. The results of this survey are anonymous and completely confidential. Attached is a link to the survey, along with the consent form. It is not necessary to sign the consent form; however it is there for your review. We ask that you please take a few minutes to take our survey; your contribution to our research is invaluable. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Thank You,

Leah Buracchi, Marisa Ciccarello, Jacie Cupertino and Cori Grubner
