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Equine Vet Recommendation for PPE Near Louisville

Does anyone have a recommendation for a vet to do a PPE on an OTTB just east of Louisville, KY? I live in a different state and might or might not be able to be there at the same time. Thanks!

Oldham or Shelby county?

Oldham… Gas Light Equine Veterinary Practice, but they also cover most all the area around Louisville

Shelby… hard to beat Kentucky Equine Hospital in Simpsonville

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Agree with both recommendations!

Who picked this name?


I have two of my young horses growing up down there…Kentucky Equine Hospital in Simpsonville are the vets I use for all of their care and they have been great! I’ve used both Dr. Mason and Dr. Grigoleit (and my one guy down there has needed extra care for ulcers and EPM, so not just the usual vaccines and wellness stuff).

Thank you – it’s in Prospect, which I guess is Oldham and Jefferson counties? I did see their website and thought they looked very good. I had the same question—who named them? :laughing: It’s for an OTTB I’m considering at Second Stride, which is in Prospect. I’ll have to look on a map for Simpsonville. I’m a little more familiar with the Lexington area than Louisville. Thank you all!!

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Kentucky Equine Hospital (more modern) or Northrop Equine (older racetrack vet with lots of experience).

have no idea however the wife is native to Oldham County, the practice is near Skylight on US42 in Oldham Co

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Second Strides office is in Crestwood, the horses are kept at at Moserwood Farms, Prospect, on one of my favorite street names “Covered Bridge Rd” which has Wolf Pen Branch road nearby

That area of Oldham county sets on the same limestone as Lexington

And while we at it if you use orchard grass hay, orchard grass was first cultivated for seed nearby in Goshen some 180 years ago, the seed was a major cash crop for decades

Thank you all! Talked to Gas Light and super nice team. And the info on Goshen and hay is interesting. That sure won’t grow here, because of the heat, although the TX Hill Country sits on limestone. My ouse and stacked stone walls are all limestone. You just need soil on TOP of it to grow anything and even then…!