Equiwinner Patches (ad at the top)

I’ll admit, due to my own electrolyte needs being abnormally high, I pay extra attention to my horse’s electrolyte consumptions.

I know endurance riders are the authority on electrolytes… so what say you on this product? It claims to be a patch that fixes electrolyte activity for up to a year?

Snake oil?

http://signal-health.com/ (this is what’s in my browser from the ad)

I don’t know much about it, but I am very skeptical.

  1. A ten day treatment works for a year ?
  2. The patch can “signal” the horse’s cells through a full coat ?

I’ll check with my vet, but my bet is snake oil .

Isn’t the chief ingredient caffeine ?

The link you provided does not work. I removed the / and it still does not work.


One endurance rider, a man, would taste the horse’s pee and e’lyte accordingly. He swore by this.

DOUBT anything could test via a coat on a horse. A patch, ha ha.


That’s what my internal BS radar was reading too.

I tried Equiwinner patches for my horse that had developed anhydrosis. I didn’t get the result I wanted. I had an extra box of them for 3 years. Someone on a trail riding FB group was having anhydrosis issues and I offered to send them to her. She said they worked wonders for her horse and he is now sweating normally. We are both in the southeast Texas area where it is pretty dang hot and steamy.

I have a horse who is a head flicker. I tried them with him - no difference. I tried a second course. Still no difference. He’s still retired and looking after babies and still head flicks.

The link works just fine for me.

Looks like snake oil to me, and at $143 for ten of them, it’s pretty pricy snake oil!!