Eric Lamaze Submits Forged Medical Documents to Court

I can appreciate your take on this.

The whole situation is a mess.

I’ll be curious to see what unfolds with the potential for more in depth reporting from @NewYorkReporter and as the multiple court cases roll along. Maybe people can continue to update this thread if there are more significant filings in either the Aziz suit, or any of the pending suits in Florida.

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I thought the post was interesting and, like most of us, the purpose was adding their own thoughts and knowledge.


I read it as the poster’s musing on how the lawyer was playing a dual role: personal friend and legal representative. I received it as the poster exploring the interplay between the two roles and how one would effect the other. I didn’t think they were trying to school us about what lawyers do.

I do think that being a friend and legal rep could enhance the legal role but could also result in a world of hurt, as happened here. I read that post as discussing that duality in this situation.

The only client I was involved in firing, I was like, “See you never!!” :partying_face: :v:

Had that client been a friend and not a thoroughly obnoxious corporate entity, it would have been sad and hurtful and dramariffic.


I’m sure you will be all over anything reported.


Yeah I was just thinking out loud about that dividing line between client and friend, and how the lawyer has to hang in longer than a friend might want to. Despite thinking that a friend would maybe hang on to the bitter end, it’s actually reversed because a friend can just put some distance in, but a lawyer needs a reason to fire the client. The client can walk away at will but the lawyer needs a substantive reason.

I just never thought about that before. We often wonder “how can that lawyer continue to represent that creep?” in many circumstances but in fact once the lawyer takes on a case, they have to until the client actually does something really wrong in the court process. I never thought about the implications of this before.

I guess it’s obvious to people who work in law :slight_smile: but I never thought about it before.


What about if the client never pays his legal bills? Is that enough of a reason to fire the client?

I certainly wouldn’t want to keep working for someone for free.


That makes sense. I shouldn’t post when I’ve had a rotten day.


Well not quite. If I am representing someone in a legal matter, eg entered with the court, then the court has to approve my withdrawal. Depending on the nature of the matter they may not do that until new counsel is ready to enter appearance in my place.

But if I’m just writing letters and providing advice I can fire a client at will for not paying their bills or any other reason.



This has been a pretty widely covered news story. There are plenty of people following it. :woman_shrugging:


What’s your deal? VHM is invested in the Virginia horse industry as well as the ethics involved. It’s suspect that you make a snarky post towards her.

I guess you’re the type to ride with GM and not give a shit about EL despite many hating him.


A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.



Damn. You beat me to it. Don’t you know I’m supposed to be all over this? :smirk:

But about the story… it seems like everyone who perceived that the lawyer had been duped by his own friend were correct. What a mess.


Ok, this is funny :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Where have you been for the last two hours you slacker!!


These photos his (ex) lawyer keep referring to… so odd.

I still feel empathy for him. An evil person couldn’t have fooled his lawyer for 30 years. Something has happened to worsen it in the past few years.

Feel for the lawyer too. He’ll have some work getting past this.

We know the medical documents were fake. But what about the photos that Danson (erstwhile lawyer) saw of EL’s “disfigured” face? EL claimed the disfigurement was due to a laryngectomy because of metastatic brain cancer. Were those photos also completely fake?

Edit to add; @Pehsness and I were typing at the same time.

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If he’s been doing drugs for many years, I guess nose and face reconstruction after too much cocaine use.


I wasn’t there, so I don’t claim to know what happened. But the story that the FEI drug tester would show up without any identification sounds pretty odd to me.


This is how human testing works. Athletes are shown identification when notified they have been selected to be tested.