Are you aware that your “need and updated browser” notice intrudes on my ability to post or read threads??? If I open a new window to post, say, this thread so you understand this, your “Need a new browser” window indrudes so I can’t post, open…I mean, what gives? I happen to read COTH on a computer WHICH I DO NOT HAVE THE CAPABILITY OR PERMISSION TO UPDATE!!! Yes, the browser is dated, yes, if you update your browser the people complaining they can’t u8se smilies and can’t use your windows because the ads intrude will have their problems solved, (maybe, it could be that its your site architecture which needs solving, not the ‘dated’ browsers, because I still have problems with my home computer which IS updated, but that’s another discussion) but you just made it impossible for me to use your website.

Why? Because you made the “need and updated browser” notice permanent, until I update the browser!!! I will NEVER be able to update the browser!!!

Giving the notice is one thing, and its convenient and good information, but when I choose NOT to click on any of the updates, and CONTINUE with me outdated browser, THAT’S MY CHOICE, why did you make it so that I can’t continue on your website until I update my browser??? How intrusive and inconsiderate is that!!!

I have been to websites which proved such a notice to users when they come to the site, but if you don’t follow the link right then, the notice goes away. It should not block the use of the site until the link is followed. I had to borrow someone’s computer to post this.

Very inconsiderate. Very poor thinking, planning and follow through. Frankly, this is exemplarary of the kind of amature site reconstruction we have been experiencing from the beginng of this selfish, non-user friendly upgrade.

Bad form!!

I agree, help… I don’t have permission at work to install updates and now it is impossible to read or post in the forums. Please get rid of this as I’d hate to not use this site anymore.


I kind of thought the site was hacked…

I was also ready to abandon the site until that box disappeared, if ever.

It pops up over the entire nav bar on my computer and made it impossible for me to navigate the site.

However, in a brainstorm, I remembered that a lot of sites also have navigation links again at the bottom. This site still does, so I can find what I want way down there. I hope this helps others.

BUT it is still no excuse for this unpprecedented intrusion. I have never come across a site that featured this purposely. Anything akin to this browser box has been a hack.

I’m sure you are aware that often when updating browsers, all sorts of other unwanted things happen to computers. I will decide when and if I want to take that chance. And I will not do it for only one website to become useable. I’m not having trouble with any other websites except COTH.

Please make it go away!


I used the navigation bars at the bottom, but the intrusion popped up and covered the site on the next page I opened anyway. ANY page I opened, whatever thread, whatever message box; and made it impossible to get to a search bar or private messaging. I can only access this now with a friend’s private computer. Dunno if its fixed yet.

Yip’s point is good - I have no problems with any other website except COTH.

not fixed yet and I hope they do decide to fix it…it only happens on the COTH sites for me as well and it just started today, yesterday it was working fine…


I will not be using the forum until this is fixed, it took me a long time to work around it and post on this thread.


Can’t we get this frickin thing fixed yet? :mad: Rant over.

It literally just disappeared, I can’t believe how excited I am that it’s gone!!!

Our apologies

Thanks to everyone for your patience on the Internet Explorer upgrade message.

This issue was entirely on our end and we apologize sincerely for any confusion it caused.

With a very small team working on all the aspects of this site relaunch, we had a miscommunication with the website developers, who had added the message. It was intended to encourage visitors to the site to upgrade their browsers in order to optimize how the site, particularly the main site, looks and operates.

The message should now be closeable and it will only appear occasionally as a reminder for those users who are using older software, either by choice or necessity.

There’s nothing wrong with your computers and you don’t have to upgrade your software. But if you’re seeing that message, you’re running an older version of the web browsing software (the program that you use to access the Internet and view our site), and some things may not appear or work exactly as they were designed, so we’d love for you to upgrade if you can. We have limited resources at our disposal and want to create the best experience and provide great content for as many people as seamlessly as possible. It might not always seem that way, but that is our intent. :wink:

This issue cropped up this morning and had us scratching our heads as much as you all who experienced it, so please accept our apology for the inconvenience and the mixed messages as we sorted everything out.

Awesome - thanks so much for fixing this!


Yup, I’m bummed.

Back for me too, all of a sudden - just appeared about five minutes ago.

Its kind of like being back on AOL. Huh. I wonder what they have in common?

The window should now be closeable and only appear occassionally. Is that not the case?

Mod 1

Right, okay, found the “close window” hypertext below the window.

Oops, nevermind.

It went away for me too - maybe I clicked something by accident that made it disappear? Not sure…it just disappeared. Not complaining. :slight_smile: