Super! I think a nice All the Gold son would be a nice option for hunter breeders!
I beleive that the Steffees retired All The gold this past year. I do not know if there are any straws. They have a website and the first time I called Mrs. Steffee I got her first try on the phone.
I’m also wondering if there are any others out there with Gepard up close? Silvio (not the one here in the US) has him as a dam-sire…anyone else out there?
Calido I is yummy - what are your plans for that one? ;)[/QUOTE]
My stallion is by Gonzo I, who is by Gepard.
Flash forward to 2013…we did keep our All the Gold colt intact and are now showing him in the 3’3" pre-greens. We are very proud of him.
Did anyone mention that All the Gold passed away last year? It was a sad loss. A friend in N.Y. has a show hunter mare by him for sale right now but I think many of his daughters are destined for the broodmare bands! I loved the horse!