Evangeline EPA issues?

Does anyone know more about this? I’m seeing some facebook posts saying the EPA is shutting down the track, but no solid news.

I did a little looking and found a long history of what appear to be violations of the Clean Waters Act, and failure to properly license the facility as a CAFO, but curious if anyone here knows more.

Haven’t heard anything but I’ll see my trainer (I’m not at Evangeline) Saturday and see if he’s heard anything.

It was Evangeline Training Center and not Evangeline Downs that the EPA has issues with…the HPBA sent us a email saying that the owner and the EPA were working on the storm water run off issue and I don’t think the facility will have to close…

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Thanks. I have no dog in the fight, just saw a bunch of alarmist FB posts and was wondering what the story was :slight_smile: