Eventing Barns in the Broomfield/ Boulder, Colorado area

I will be relocating to the Broomfield area in the next month and am trying to find a Eventing barn close by. I have a thoroughbred so I need a place that has pasture, feeds hay and grain, parking for a trailer and under $600 MAX a month.

I am just graduating Chiropractic school and will also be starting my Animal Chiropractic business in the area. I will be a graduated Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Animal Chiropractor as well. I will be in the area April 15th [edit].

Please help me find a barn in the area.

Thank you so much!!!

As for the Broomfield area you can contact some people in the Boulder Valley Eventing Association. http://www.bvea.org/BVEA/BVEA_HOME.html

I know of some great eventing barns in the Southern Denver area (Parker, Castle Rock, Elizabeth). However, not so much in the North. I am newish to the area, and recently did the my own barn search. If you want I can ask around for some recommendations in the north.

Where are you moving from? I ask because you might need to adjust your concept of pasture…not much grass out here! And I agree that it might be tough to find a true eventing barn in that direction. Most eventers seem to be south. I board in Franktown.

It’s probably worth checking out the MSEA, too: http://msea-ccc.org/

Good luck, and welcome to Colorado! The eventing scene out here is great!

Everything that comes to mind has been shut down or is nearly so, although it’s been some time since I was really plugged into the community. We have a couple options here in Fort Collins, although that’s a hike from Broomfield.

Isn’t Reed in the north of Denver area? If he doesn’t see this thread, perhaps a PM would be fruitful. His username is RAyers.

(If you’d like to come up to FTC, I would certainly be interested in having my horses adjusted!)

And you might want to edit your ad so that it’s not blatent advertising (against the User rules on COTH) :wink:

I’m in North Boulder, kinda new to area, but there are a bunch of farms up here. My horse is boarded off of Niwot Road. if you look between Nelson Rd & Niwot Rd (N/S) and from Hwy 36-63rd/79th st there are a lot of private and small boarding farms. Some with nice facilities, at least from the outside as I’ve been driving around getting to know the area.

There is a XC course on 63rd, below Nelson rd, on the west side. Not sure which ranch it’s a part of but one place just south of there is called Blue Cloud (maybe a H/J place?) and there was another larger, nice looking place.

Also a fancy looking Dressage barn in Lafayette (?) or Louisville, somewhere down that way.

I board at a pretty basic place but my guy is 25 so I don’t need anything fancy. We have pasture with irrigation, a very small arena and decent access to open space/trails. good caretaker/owner, 2 miles to my house and affordable. Another eventer boards there. PM if you need more info.

Reed might be in the Parker area??

The XC course on 63rd Rd. is Silo Farms. No boarding there and the course is only open for reserved schooling. Not a bad little course though. The owners own Sommerset Farms on Nelson.

I am in Golden but train XC south (Colorado Horse Park, Spring Gulch) and north (Wendy Chase’s Moqui Meadows).

For $600 a month you are asking a lot around here. Hay alone is $12-$20 a bale (depending on who you know) so board is brutal. I pay $650 (includes a $55 hay surcharge due to the drought) for an outdoor run. The other barns with similar levels of care and facilities are at $700 and up for indoor stalls. No pasture. Pasture in the Denver area is really dry lot. We are really a high desert climate. I keep 2-4 horses on 15 acres at home and I have to supplement with hay in the summer as grass does not grow and these past 2 years have destroyed the pastures.

The true eventing barns are south of Denver. For those of us up north we travel and make do by boarding at dressage or h/j facilities. I board at Legacy Valley (north Arvada, about 10 minutes south of Broomfield). You might also look at Equinox on Indiana (although a major highway may be built on top of it over the next few years). In Boulder, you might consider Singletree on Arapahoe Rd.

Thanks for the info on 63rd St. Reed, I got so excited when I drove by there! Boarding is so $$, I miss having my own farm sooo much (though I am very lucky in my current boarding situation).

Where is Moqui Meadows??

Joder Arabian Ranch used to board, I think, north of Boulder on Foothills Hwy. Don’t now if they’re still around. Mostly dressage I think.

Joder Ranch just sold - we have some new people from there moving to where I board. At least that’s why I was told they were leaving Joder. It was listed for $5.9M for the ranch without the houses which were listed separately.

[QUOTE=Altitude Rider;6887560]
Thanks for the info on 63rd St. Reed, I got so excited when I drove by there! Boarding is so $$, I miss having my own farm sooo much (though I am very lucky in my current boarding situation).

Where is Moqui Meadows??[/QUOTE]

Wendy’s is in Loveland just east of I-25 south of Johnson’s Corner. It is a nice course. You can call to schedule XC schooling.