Eventing Nation booted from covering Event in Unionville, PA

I cannot STAND this new format and I have no idea if this has been posted, but it appears that Plantation Field plans on hosting events next year, depending on the response from the USEA, under the Plantation Fields name.



I hate it too but Im trying to be positive minded :joy:

Soooo basically all that for nothing?


I just read the article too. HDV really needs a good editor. The writing gets worse and worse. It appears the lease can’t be terminated until after 2021. So that has bought time for things to cool down and some kind of agreement to be reached. We shall see.


The following language from the article seemed to suggest that holding events in 2021 might be contingent on getting some concessions from USEA–but it was a little ambiguous.

USEA is holding a board meeting next week, on Nov. 19, and Denis Glaccum, President of Plantation Field Equestrian Events, said the organization has some requests to be heard at that meeting.

“The organization and the landowner await acknowledgement from USEA that they acted hastily and, in an attempt to address a perceived injustice, they created a greater injustice,” said Glaccum.

Our decision to run registered USEA Events will be up to the USEA and the decisions they make pertaining to their restrictions placed on Plantation Field just prior to our International held in September.


Was that Horse of Delaware Valley article taken from the local elementary school newspaper or what? Good lord that’s some bad writing.

I know that even before the whole plantation field mess most of the posters on this board had a definite dislike for EN, but that article makes most of EN’s writing look worthy of a Pulitzer Prize.


It’s Horsey Breitbart (H/T @MsRidiculous) - all they do is put blame on people they don’t like and throw temper tantrums when someone disagrees with their opinion.


Yes, that’s why I was puzzled earlier in the thread when people were referencing HoDV as a legimate journalistic source. To me HoDV is much more of a fan blog than EN.


It sounds like Glaccum is saying that they are expecting an apology from USEA and will decide whether or not to run recognized events depending on how the USEA responds. Rather imperious, but certainly not out of character, it seems.

While I hope they have a productive meeting and discussion, I also hope the USEA doesn’t feel the need to grovel (which is the tone I get off the quotes in Horsegirl_s_Mom’s posted excerpt). Hoping the cooling off period that has elapsed will have allowed ALL parties to simmer down and not be so emotional and reactionary. That excerpt suggests Glaccum will only be happy with some sort of kowtowing and mea culpa from the USEA and is threatening not holding future events if he’s not adequately placated.

And, sweet fancy Moses, that is some bad writing in the HoDV. Wow!


“This is such a disgusting racist circle jerk.”

“Jesus. Racist comment #978 of this thread.”


“If you dislike being called racist you should try being not racist.”

“I’m not trying to win anybody over, but someone’s got to point out the racist crap.”

“You’re the one who walked in and starting whining about your Irish grandparents.”

“I was like that too when I was a petty, insecure, and uneducated child. Then I grew up and educated myself. You’re an adult.”

“You’re insecure.”

“See, not hard guys. Grow up.”

“No, sorry I do not care to listen to [your opinion].”

“YOU are the one making it divisive and dismissive.”

“This is not a difficult concept.”

“This is just disgusting and I’m embarrassed for a lot of you.”

“Wow. This has got to be the most racist comment”

“There’s nothing “academic” about writing your thoughts on a book you haven’t read unless we’re using 8th grade remedial English class standards.”

“I’m not here to change minds, I’m here to poke holes in some of the BS arguments I’ve seen.”

“if I wanted to hear another white person complain about being confronted with topics like “white fragility” and “white privilege” I’d just go to Facebook.”

EDIT: This isn’t even her whole “contributions” to the thread. Is the introspection as to WHY they’re treated poorly lost to some people? I mean, I know I’m brash and that’s why I get treated that way in return. But to sit and cry victim when you post ^that^? Come on


Do I read this correctly that now they are allowing Plantation to choose to change their name or not but the event will still run? So they back walked their demands?


Yes, it sounds like USEF is saying that event names are up to the organizer. I believe there was some discussion here about whether USEF actually had the ability to consider the name in the decision on whether to license the event. It might be something that would require a change in the USEF rules, but if so, doesn’t sound like they’re leaning towards making such a rule change.


And the insensitive FB comments continue on the thread below the EN post. It’s amazing how some people still don’t, and never will get it. :roll_eyes:


There’s almost 2000 comments in this thread and nobody gets it here either.

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Disagreeing =/= not getting it.


Nancy Jaffer also wrote about it,

"In a statement, USEA noted that “Having this historic competition close isn’t the right result for the sport,” adding, “this property has no known connections to slavery and was instead named after ‘plantings’ on the property.” Riders were upset at the thought that one of their favorite fixtures would be cancelled.

This week, while USEF CEO Bill Moroney emphasized the organization’s commitment to its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan, he noted in a statement that, “decisions regarding venue and competition names are ultimately at the discretion and the responsibility of individual organizers.” That means Plantation can have both its name and its licenses.

Even after Cuyler cancelled the lease, the event still had two years to run under its contract. The question now is whether the USEF position taking the pressure off the name issue will encourage Cuyler to renew the lease beyond that term.

“It may help,” mused Denis Glaccum, president of the Plantation Field Equestrian Events, which run from spring through the fall.

“Let’s see what comes out of it.”

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and to remove all doubt.”


Indeed. Gotta love Wilde.


Yep, gotta love the Critical Race Theorists. A lot like the people who threw witches in the river: If they drowned they were innocent, survived they were guilty. You are a racist, and if you deny it it only proves you are a racist… and therefore deserving of scorn. And they think they are the moral intellectuals. SMH


Right because talking about how a word can be racially insensitive to certain groups is basically the equivalent to being burned at the stake or drowned to rich white guys. Got it. :roll_eyes:


Interesting perspective here from Mike Winter - he does specifically reference the Plantation Field situation.