Eventing Trainers in Charleston, SC and Southern Pines, NC

Hi Everyone. I’m looking for some recommendations.

It’s a long story but we are in the process of selling our home in Aiken.

As much I want to stay in the area, the rental market is lousy and I think my fiance who doesn’t ride is kind of bored lol.

So though Aiken is still on the table, he wants me to look into Charleston, SC and Southern Pines, NC.

I love my current trainer who is a fantastic rider and trainer. I love being in a competitive program, though I’m newer to the sport (I’m a former H/J rider).

I have an older guy who is a bit quirky on the ground (so I’m starting to do ground work to help those issues) but is a total machine when jumping (he loves it).

I also have a young mare that I plan on doing yeh-5 yr old qualifiers on. I think she’s a real contender in the future. I want to know what my options are in either of those markets.

I definitely want to find a competitive trainer but prioritizes horses first and exceptional care is the default.

I’m a younger amateur, so I’d also love to know about programs with good dynamics, growing up in the h/j world has turned me off of barns that have drama :joy:

Thanks in advance!

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Jasmine Hobart in Southern Pines. I’ve never seen a happier barn of horses and drama is non-existent! Plus direct access to the Moss Foundation for hacking/conditioning rides.

Mary Grantham-Cook is phenomenal! I have trained with her on and off since I was a teen while she was moving around with her husband’s military career. They have not been in So. Pines (and staying there). She has evented through Adv and upper level dressage. She is one of the owners of Correct Connect.

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After living in the Aiken area for 45 years now, anf for some time in Charleston, I’m just wondering what SO is looking for in these two potential new locations to relieve his boredom?

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He has friends in both areas, but finding people our age to connect with in Aiken has been a challenge. If we had kids, it might be easier, but the few friendships we’ve made here aren’t enough to make him want to stay.

For me, while I haven’t built many friendships in Aiken either, I love the horse scene. I grew up in the industry, so I naturally prioritize the horse aspect over social connections. That’s probably why I’m open to exploring other areas—I’d love to find a close-knit community of younger amateurs.

I’ve found that most amateurs here tend to be older, retired, or financially independent, while the younger riders are typically pros who aren’t looking to befriend lower-level amateurs. I know I’m incredibly fortunate to live this lifestyle as a young working amateur without kids—most people my age don’t get this opportunity until later in life.


Hey! When I was in Southern Pines, I rode with Daryl Kinney, and I cannot recommend her enough, however, she is more of a haul in and ride type.

I have friends who ride or rode with McKenzie Day-Cumbea, her place is a little outside of So. Pines, but has full amenity boarding, is super lovely to show and ride with, and has a covered arena.

Caitlin Romeo just upgraded her farm to extremely lovely stalls, new arena and is accessible to the foundation. A friend has recently begun riding with her to a lot of success.

The thing about southern pines, is that if you have a trailer and are willing to haul, there are so many opportunities, you don’t need to pick a program right away. Out a little further too, you have Will Faudree and some other big name riders settling in Southern Pines, and I can’t think of a single one that isn’t happy to take on a hungry ammie rider.

We spent 4 years there for work, and felt so at home and happy with our life, riding, coaching and the experiences gained from it. I highly recommend So. Pines.

This. SP isn’t much different than Aiken actually probably quieter. Charleston is a lot busy but the horse scene is much much harder for you and your horses. Summers are brutal and if you wanting to do any competing, most of the shows are in aiken, SP, Ocala. So you’ll be on the road a lot.

There are a lot LL ammies in aiken, you’re just not going to the right places to meet them.
Does your current trainer not have any other clients that are also like you? There are tons of adult ammies in aiken.

And SO needs to get out there and try something- golf, pickle ball etc. meet people.

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I grew up in the Charleston riding scene and have been living in Aiken for about 10 years now. The eventing community there is rather small but there is a UL rider on Johns Island (Kelly Pugh Goodman) that I have heard good things about, as well as a few eventers working out of Middleton. Lots of hunter/jumper places in the area but know that traffic is pretty terrible there! Board can also be pretty pricey so look around.
I agree with @TXnGA that Charleston can be hard to keep a horse since some horses move to the area and absolutely cannot tolerate the summer heat or the bugs. Most eventers have to travel to Aiken for any kind of horse trials but there are lots of wonderful CTs and such around town. Good luck in your search!

Would add Sydney Conley Elliott and Jasmine Hobart to the list.