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Eventing XC as it happens team in BRONZE position!!!

Ten horses have gone so far this morning and already two have withdrawn, and five had LOTS of faults… Amy Tryon (50.70) is the current leader on her dressage score - YEA!!! Closely followed by one of the Germans (52.40), then much further back, an Italian (69.30)…

It looks like (as Woff predicted) the XC will definitely shake things up!! And, riders might be a tad complacent, as the first on course (Amy) went clear and fast!!! :wink:

Don’t know the weather in Germany, but here in Ireland this morning it is gray and threatening. Of course, this IS Ireland… :wink:

Watch the results here on the COTH website!!

As I wrote that, one of the French snuck into 3rd, and a Swede was eliminated.

I wonder if I can get this on TV - of course, I will have to find someone with tv… :wink:

In my part pouring rain, but from the life stream on www.aachen2006.de it looks as if the have sun at the moment ! Second german (but not team through) with one refusal and 5 time penalties. Like that horse a lot, so what a shame about that refulsa. So hey, the choice that hans Melzer (trainer) did not putting him on the team proved rght now. But what aboutour Dibo ? We*ll see hwo he does and if it was a good thing to not have him on the team…
And weatherford don’t you get Eurosport ? They have at the moment a repititon of Isabell but than 2 more hours and I guess XC !

hehe sitting in front of the TV with the laptop on my lap and sort of watching lifestream and TV at the same time.

Edited: to say they corrected Sindy’s score. No refusal so just 5 time penalties !!

And Frank Ostholt now “on tour” secnd team rider …


Greetings Live From WEG.

I’m your NBC Producer checking in from the TV Compound in Aachen. Cross Country going on as I write and in fact Karen O’Connor is on course right now.

Rain, a problem so far at these Games as held off today with just about 1/2 the field through the course. I’m sitting next the the legend himself, Jimmy Wofford. Course seems tougher than it looks but fair. Big crowds here.

TV Compound today is Eventing heaven. The course passes on two sides and in fact we are kind of locked in. That said we watch the TV than see the horses go by twice.

Bad news for Karen, two runouts and maybe tim epenalties as well. We’re pulling for Kim who goes off at 2:50PM local time.

Eventing will be a part of our NBC show airing Sunday, September 24th at 4:30PM ET.

Bob Hughes
Carr-Hughes Productions

Thanks for the update, B. H. and also thanks to NBC for coverage!

Oh NO!!!

By watching the live stream it looks like Kim had at least one stop, I think Karne had two… Will jumped clean but with his dressage score he is still far down… Amy had a great go! What a rollercoaster.

Can someone post the link for the live streaming?? I must be having a blonde moment here - because I can’t find it!!

Kim Severson 16th

:cry: What happened to Kim and Karen, Bob?

Yay Amy and Poggio! What a team…

XC Update

Bob from NBC Sports writing from the TV compound.

XC is over. Zara Philips leads with Bettina Hoy in 2nd.

Tough course for the riders. Andrew Hoy, Fox Pitt, Klimke and Severson all had problems. Severson was a refusal at 5.

Very tight at the top. Phillips leads by just 2 points.



Karen had two stops on course and is way back.



Looks like Amy and Will were clear (except will had a few time).

From looking at the results, it looks like many of the “old style” big names had runouts somewhere. I’m talking Mary King, Andrew Hoy, Kim, Philip Dutton, Karen, Andrew Nicholson,etc.

Zara Phillips and Toy Town are in first, with Bettina Hoy second.

I wonder if one particular X-C fence caused the havoc?

Very interesting comments from several of the riders are at:


Thanks for the link to the comments.

That is amazing about Oliver Townsend. This was only his second four star and he’s only 23!!! Wow.

Hooray hooray hooray to Bob Hughes and NBC for bringing the WEG to TV,
and of course to have Jimmy Wofford as commentator - please please don’t bump us for the NFL or dare I say Ice Skating !

Am going to try to get some live stream on computer - I envy those w/ Eurosport and CBC…

Great about Zara Phillips; Andrew Hoy is such a gentleman ! I’m rooting for him for the Grand Slam !, Shame about Karen but she too had Class Act comments…

did I read correctly? Heelean Tompkins and her TWENTY year old Glengarrick went clean on this X-C course?


I’m for Amy all the way

I have had a chance to watch her school and clinic dressage at my barn. Hard working does not begin to discribe her.

Stay clean Amy

Amy in 7th, Kim in 16th, Will 20th, Heidi 30th, Karen 44th, Jan 45th…

YAY Team USA!!!

It looks like the German team has a truly commanding lead; unless all team members self-destruct in stadium, which is unlikely, they look headed for Gold. It depends upon the horses’ condition how they will stadium jump for the British and the Americans. I have a feeling that it is going to be touch and go on the medal position for us, unfortunately, because of the toll the cross country may have taken on half the team. I think everyone so far has run to form; the horses with stops and runouts gave every indication they were capable of that in the various tests prior to selection so, I think, we need to look at past stadium form and expect similar. One would hope somehow luck and magic will keep the rails up, however! The British too look like they are fighting for every rail as well. What a shame we could not have gotten at least one other team member in the top ten, our position would have been much safer!
I am glad that this appeared truly four star world championship level cross country, and that it did not dissolve into a dressage race; but am sorry for so many eliminated and retired good horses. Sure hope there are none badly hurt.