My horse, the same one with all the ditch issues, who by the way is getting significantly better with some of the feedback I got, has always had a really weak back end. He’s improved DRASTICALLY since the first time I saw him, which was a little over 4 years ago, however the one point on his body that has trouble getting stronger are the muscles near his stifles. My trainer has a horse, who is now retired, with some really bad stifle problems. He had major surgery due to terrible OCD, and I’ve been getting some advice from her to help my horse not get to that point.
Does anyone else have a horse with really sticky/clicky stifles? What have you done to help strengthen the muscles around the stifle? What exercises would be simple to do? I go up this pretty steep hill right by my barn every once in a while, I back him up this small hill leading into the outdoor arena nearly everyday, and I do a lot of work with getting him to really use his hind end more. I’m not saying any of those methods are failing me, but I would rather have more exercises to use with him than just a few.