I’ve noticed my young horse has started getting heavy on the bit as our focus has shifted to correct rhythm and balance. I’m working with a trainer but looking for COTH thoughts too to fix this issue before I ruin my horse.
He wants to travel on the forehand and drop his outside shoulder to avoid engaging behind. I do transitions and half-halts to get his hind end under him but it requires a lot of weight in the rein to get his head up. My trainer isn’t concerned by the amount of weight and doesn’t think I’m pulling. But I feel like I’m pulling!
I can ride him WTC on the buckle in an ok rhythm but he will be on his forehand with his head practically at his knees. The problem is if I want him to move correctly I need to ride with contact to address his shoulders and how low he wants to travel with his head. I’m not asking for contact but I am asking for him to travel correctly, not on his forehand. This makes him heavy in the bit especially if I do downward transitions. He then will practically pull me out of the tack in the downward transition.
Trainer has me working on half-halts and transitions. On my own, I am working on exercises where I trot him out of the corner to the centerline, walk, and then leg-yield to the wall working on keeping his shoulder and neck straight. It mostly feels like a balance and straightness issue with him. What else can I do? I really don’t want to develop a WB that is heavy in the mouth. I’ve ridden my fair share of them and think they are awful and unenjoyable to ride.