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Exercises to get a 'woahing' seat?

My horse has a tendency to get very strong to/from jumps, mostly in the winter, and especially smaller jumps. I’m working on sitting deep in the saddle to the jump and upon landing in order to get him back as quickly as possible. Part of my issue is likely rider weakness which I am working on, but I was wondering if anyone had exercises or advice on getting that deep ‘woahing’ seat that could help us. I hate pulling on his face and would love to make my seat as effective as possible. I do have access to an older schoolmaster that I can use for lessons that involve no reins/stirrups if those are suggested.

It’s very easy for this to turn into an accidental driving seat if done incorrectly. Especially if the rider is at all tense or locking up. Make sure you aren’t coming back early on his back or locking up your elbows/hips in an attempt to block his motion.

I don’t have good exercises to suggest myself, because this is one of those topics that generally requires a good trainer to work on. It could be you’re actually driving him with a strong seat, or you’re planting your hands at the withers, or your saddle doesn’t fit and he scoots off on landing, or any number of little things that require different exercises and coaching.

Lunge lessons are always a good idea, provided your coach is good at them. Starting over with the flatwork and finding where you lost your half halt is also important. Sometimes no hands grid work can help with your independent seat as well.


Lots and lots of small trot jumps. Crossrails, cavalletti, itty bitty verticals. Go slowww, sit the trot, keep your body as relaxed as possible. Think sloppy, loose, melting into your horse, long reins. Any tension will hit the gas pedal. Just keep doing this, finding your way to jumps until he takes a breath and can relax about it all. Excellent for hind end strength too, which should also help with him getting strong and rushy.