Hello everyone! I have finally corrected many of my other issues when riding such as grippy knees, weak lower leg, and tilting upper body. But, I have found that I am struggling with my hips locking up as I ride. It is mainly noticeable when I go to jump. As I try to keep my upper body still, my hips lock and do not follow the horse’s movement over the jump. I think this is due to me not having a truly independent seat. Are there any exercises I can do to improve?
I have been trying to do some no stirrup work, but I find that in the sitting trot and canter, while the lower part of my seat gives, the part that connects to my abs still stays stiff. So, I will stay connected with the saddle, but my upper body freezes in an awkward looking angle and my arms are left having to do overkill pumping to follow the horse’s motions. So it really does appear that I am struggling with opening and closing my hip angle freely with the horses movement.
Out of the saddle, I am working on stretching more, getting on a chiro and massage program, etc. But I’d love if anyone could give some advice as to some in the saddle exercises I could do to develop a more refined and independent seat. Thank you!