Experienced Hunter coach- Southern Ontario?

Specifically in the Burlington, Milton, Flamborough area.

I’m looking for recommendations for an experienced, detailed oriented hunter coach who has a smaller client group (trying to avoid a massive show program).

Someone who won’t break the bank of an amateur!
I’m hoping to show in the Adult Amateurs if all goes well.

Feel free to PM me if you prefer!

Thanks :slight_smile:

That’s a fairly large distance to cover depending on exactly where you are located; ie a 15min drive from Milton could be a 45min drive from Burlington. Also, will you be bringing your own horse or looking to lease/buy? That opens up a lot of possibilities. Are you interested in exclusively the A’s or schooling as well? And the questions go on! Some more detail and I could help somewhat.

Hi there

I realize this is a large area, I was trying to not limit myself. I live centrally to these areas and am within a 20-30 min drive to north Milton, West Flamborough and the Burlington/ Oakville town line.

I would be bringing my own horse and would like to do the Trillium and/or the A’s.

And I’m on a budget, unfortunately!

Thanks :slight_smile:


Specifically in the Burlington, Milton, Flamborough area.

I’m looking for recommendations for an experienced, detailed oriented hunter coach who has a smaller client group (trying to avoid a massive show program).

Someone who won’t break the bank of an amateur!
I’m hoping to show in the Adult Amateurs if all goes well.

Feel free to PM me if you prefer!

Thanks :)[/QUOTE]

You could look into Justin Pope. He just moved to that area.


Also, if you’re willing to go north to the Caledon/Erin area, Peter Gisborn is fantastic. Slightly larger show barn, but doesn’t do Florida.


There’s also Vector Equestrian. I’ve got no personal experience with this barn, but I’ve heard many good things.


I’ve never actually ridden with any of these stables, I lived in Canada for university and rode out east but these are from my very accomplished GTA riding friends. If you wanted to go Palgrave area maybe for less frequent lessons and do more self-training or sub in another trainer, I could help you a lot more with personal experience.

(I tried to stay under an hour using Google Maps, I don’t actually know the Milton area very well! Also, you’ll have to contact a few re. price - they are probably out of your budget)

I’ll second Justin Pope
Stonewood - with Di Langmuir, one of the best you can get in the area, very show centred, a bit far in Pickering depending on where you live and traffic, definitely have experience with trailer ins/meet you at shows (disclaimer asst. trainer Shane is a good friend of mine so this one is the best!)
Wingberry - Yann Candele’s barn, Jill is amazing, very tailored to the individual, a bit jumperish but very successful in the hunters as well, show everywhere in Ontario/Quebec at WEF and the north east US, excellent facilities, great if you are very serious about showing and winning as it’s relatively expensive and you won’t get much out of their training otherwise
Greenhaven - the McKays are wonderful, trailer ins are welcome, smaller stable, lots of show success
Skyland - big show barn but friendly, hunter focused, full year of showing if desired within Canada, trailer friendly
G&G - small show barn focusing more on training horses but I’ve heard good things about their riding program, very individual focused, show As in the summer and WEF/HITS Ocala in the winter if you want that
Parklane - nice and close, fairly quiet but big into shows, do have a required training program for showers, trailer ins welcome
Stoney Fields - high quality, very successful program, big show program, trailer ins welcome, do Canadian summer season and WEF/HITS in the winter, comes very highly recommended, Peter and Lois are fantastic hunter coaches
Quaker Valley - with Erin Howard, very well regarded, big show stable, exclusive, not sure about trailer ins
Northridge - The Hayes will sometimes do private lessons or workshops with high class riders if you’re in that group, Ainsley’s fantastic

I’m located in the more west GTA area. But I’ll try my hand on building onto eidyn’s post, based on the barns I have experience with

Stonewood: seems like the exact opposite side of Toronto? Lovely new facility, but probably quite far. Di is great, and they’re branching out to the Trilliums this year as well as the As
Skyland: very ship in/freelance friendly, I wouldn’t say that they are a big barn, but the have success on Trillium & A. Again, kind of far.
Parklane: I don’t have experience, but my friend brought along a young hunter there and had a fantastic time
Stoney Fields: gorgeous facility, minus a small/shared detached indoor. probably the best location? Great hunter coaches with loads of success. Probably where I would check out first
Forest Hill: more Caledon-y, but nice A barn. They don’t do Florida, but have plenty of success in Ontario

If you want to do the Trillium, I’d recommend that you start looking at barns in the Central West Trillium Zone, which I’m pretty sure if where you’re going to be located. Stonewood and Skyland are both Central East

Thank you for the suggestions everyone!
I have the luxury of waiting so I will be watching the coaches (and their students) in action at the CW trillium and Palgrave shows.

As I said before, I do have a budget (and a full time job!) so Florida isn’t an option :winkgrin:

I’ll be showing on the CW Trillium this summer and some small 'A’s if I can find the right horse this summer! Since I aged out of the juniors this year I’ll be showing in the Adults for the first time. Maybe I’ll see you around?

I’m a student at UWaterloo and thus only know a few barns further west of your range. However, if you are interested in driving a bit further I can send you a short run down of most barns out here (results of researching for my current barn).

Have fun!

double post… oddly hours apart

In your area and budget, I would 100% recommend Peter. Although he has a large group of students, he has a bunch with varying expenses and motivations. Most of the others mentioned cater to those who have a significantly increased income :wink:

Thanks SquishTheBunny!

SimonandGus- I might see you this season, it depends on how the winter goes! I’m not ready to drive out Waterloo way for a barn… yet. Good luck finding a horse :slight_smile:

In your area and budget, I would 100% recommend Peter. Although he has a large group of students, he has a bunch with varying expenses and motivations. Most of the others mentioned cater to those who have a significantly increased income ;)[/QUOTE]

Peter is really great and very laid back. I am a budget rider and have schooled with him at his barn and ship-in/freelance over the years and he’s never made me feel bad about it, and has been the only person to really “get” my quirky horse.

Also, quite far east in Schomberg but Mac and Christi McQuaker at Gryphon farms are also wonderful. Mac is a fantastic teacher, one of the best I’ve ever had. Christi is an absolutely beautiful rider.

Justin is younger, but in my opinion is also worth a look. I worked for his family years ago, and I can tell you that the care at that facility was truly second to none and they loved the horses.

I’ve lived in this area pretty much my whole life, did the A’s and now do the CW Trillium.

For a rider on a budget (like me!) If you think you’ll be more geared towards the A’s I would go to Breakaway or Greenhaven. Both have fantastic coaching and dont break the bank like some other good ones in the area.

For Trilliums, I think the best bang for your buck in that area are Iron Horse, Vector or Vanbrook. They have students who do very well, good coaching, etc. and as an amateur rider I find all of their coaching styles pleasant but effective.

They absolutely do Florida. I believe they are in Wellington right now.


Forest Hill: more Caledon-y, but nice A barn. They don’t do Florida, but have plenty of success in Ontario[/QUOTE]

They absolutely do Florida. I believe they are in Wellington right now.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I can’t believe I said that. They definitely do! Thanks for catching my mistake Gumshoe :frowning: