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Experiences with YEH-5 at Hunt Club HT (Area II)?

Trying to decide whether to enter my 5yo in the YEH-5 division or BN at the upcoming Hunt Club HT in Area II. This will be her first HT.

I understand that YEH-5 can get more advanced as the year progresses, so it may be more of a challenge than BN. But, as I don’t have any experiences showing at Hunt Club (and my internet sleuthing did not uncover any videos of YEH-5 there), I’m unsure what to expect.

I would welcome any info or feedback! Thanks!

I can’t speak for Hunt Club but YEH-5 in the second half of the year should be solid N with a mix of T, according to the specs. Granted, I’ve noticed it tends to vary a lot from place to place. I’m not sure any YEH class in the second half of the year would be my choice for a horse that hasn’t done a HT before and is just about to start out at BN.

That said mine just did a YEH-4 at a big show in Area 3 and I was very disappointed at how soft it was set, mine is showing N and was not impressed by the very small and boring course. A few months ago it would have been fine but mine has already schooled some Training questions by now. There’s supposed to be at least something on course that allows them to show boldness according to the guidelines “Jumps that allow the horse to display its boldness are encouraged, such as ditches, trakehners, Weldon’s walls, etc” but it was nothing but a series of very simple BN fences. Bummer for us and our very unimpressed-looking 4yo. The YEH-5 course there followed the Novice HT course for the most part, it was pretty soft too IMO for a YEH class in the second half of the year. We’d have much rather run ours around the YEH-5 track. :joy:

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