facing surgery need advice

I will be having a hysterectomy. This will be my first surgery. I have 3 horses at home. How much help to line up for how long? Any hints appreciated. How long before you can ride again? I am praying there is no cancer involved.

praying for you too

I had brain surgery, and I had help for 6 weeks. I hired a nice college girl to throw the hay and pick up the poop. I had 2 horses at that time. Take care of yourself, and accept all the help that may come your way. Let people bring you food. Be good and don’t try to do too much before the docs say you can. I know that is hard if you’re stubborn like me and like to do your stuff yourself. Here’s hoping all will be well and good results.

Depends on how they do it

And how bad a shape you are in before hand.

One of my coworkers had a vaginal hysterectomy and wanted to be back at work in 4 weeks but they made her stay home another 2.

I was in pretty sorry shape going in and had lots of adhesions so the surgery took over 3 hours with a midline incision and I dragged myself back to work at 8 weeks.

Figure at LEAST 6 weeks though before you start lifting stuff and riding. It takes about that long for he incisions to heal.

It took me 4 months to feel really good, but part of that was the nature of my job.

I will be having a hysterectomy. This will be my first surgery. I have 3 horses at home. How much help to line up for how long? Any hints appreciated. How long before you can ride again? I am praying there is no cancer involved.[/QUOTE]

You could also board the horses for a few weeks, maybe?
I could not feed or do anything for about a week, with the hospital time included, when I had some serious abdominal surgery.
There was a mass there, but it was not cancerous, so don’t worry if it is cancer until the pathology report tells your Dr it is.

If you insist on keeping the horses at home, put the hay where you can just throw a few flakes here and there, turn the horses out, so you don’t have to clean stalls, etc.

You will be able to do a bit soon, but not anything hard or any heavy lifting for several weeks.

Good luck with the surgery.:slight_smile:

Thanks for all replies and I welcome more.
DH is a great help in the barn so I am blessed.
Cannot afford boarding but I am going to try and get friends to at least lounge and groom. Seems like I barely got them into a working mind set. Funny how you think you have so much time and now this wake up call.

I am figuring 6 weeks till riding. I had my pity party yesterday about the possible cancer. DH said you don"t have cancer and I guess I have not gotten that diagnosis yet:).

Thinking of- and reading the posts of all the great women here.

Well, then you have built-in help already, hope he is well trained.:wink:

You will be able to do a bit quickly, just not do much work or handle horses directly for a bit longer.

Do let everything heal well, or you may have to go back for herniated type surgeries and you don’t want that to happen.

Other than that, good luck, time does pass, eventually.
Get some books and movies on hand to help it pass quicker and there is always COTH.
That is how I got such a high post count.:lol:

That’s normal.

I have had a “low density mass” in my left breast for several years. It’s probably scar tissue from my breast reduction. I can feel it and it sure looks ugly on the mamogram. I had one tuesday and jump every time the phone rings.

Several years ago I came home from work one friday evening to hear a message on my machine “Hi, we need to talk to you about your mamogram”

By the end of the weekend I had planned my funeral. :eek: Turns out I had to go in for more veiws and had to go back every 3 months but it was just really bad scare.

I had a total hysterectomy on the 14th of June. It was a lapraoscopically assisted vaginal procedure. It’s difficult to remember that I just had major surgery with only 3 half inch incisions on the outside! I’m trying to be a good patient and not over do it. (my body does let me know when I’ve done too much!) I have 3 horses and a pony at home and they are on pasture 24/7 with daily graining. My DH initially did all the watering and graining, but I’m able to do it now. Because we simplified the horse management (no stabling unless the weather’s nasty) it’s been fairly easy post surgery. I am doing some light grooming, but that’s about it since I’m not supposed to lift more than 5 lbs. The farrier was just here on Wed and said all of their hooves looked great - I was worried since I can’t clean them yet (no bending or lifting). I can’t wait for the 6 weeks to be up. The doc let me drive after 2 weeks as I went off of the narcotics the day after I came home from the hospital (I take enough other meds for my left leg that was screwed up in a car wreck 2 yrs ago, that I didn’t need the perocet!). However, I only do short trips to the grocery store and the like. A great site for hysterectomy questions is www.hystersisters.com

I forgot to add this is my previous message: I nearly drove myself crazy worrying about cancer as my mom died of uterine cancer. Try and set your fears aside if you can and wait for the biopsy results. My doc was able to tell me after the surgery that nothing appeared cancerous and I had my official results 3 days post op. It was a mess internally with 14 fibroids, adenomysis and ovarian cysts, but NO CANCER. I had planned to try to keep my ovaries if they looked healthy as I didn’t and still don’t want to do hormone replacement therapy - but, it was not to be. Straight into surgical menopause and luckily, so far, the symptoms have been very mild. I hope they stay that way!

Good luck on your surgery and I hope that all of the news is good news.

Prayers sent your way for an uneventful surgery and seamless recovery! Let yourself be taken care of and enjoy it!