Fall from horse resulting in broken upper arm

Hello everyone.

I recently fell from a horse in a jumping lesson, and I have a mid shaft humerus fracture of my left (non-dominant) arm. I have never broken a bone before, and I had no idea at the time what I had let myself in for. I was very much of the understanding that broken bones take around 6 weeks to heal, give or take. So apparently chose the wrong bone to break!

I have struggled to find too much information online about others who have gone through the same experience, but I gather horse riding is a common way of breaking this bone!

I will include a brief overview of my journey so far so that others might find this in future if they are going through the same thing. Please feel free to leave any comments, questions or insights :slight_smile:

Day of injury: I fell from a horse while jumping, at speed, directly onto my left arm and knew instantly it was broken. Ambulance was called, I was given gas & air and morphine for the pain (I didn’t feel any pain at this point but the paramedic assured me that adrenaline and shock were involved in that and that I’d be glad to have the drugs in my system shortly). I was taken to A&E, and examined. X-ray confirmed a broken left humerus midshaft, but no nerve damage suspected. The fracture was severe on the X-ray so I was informed that an operation was likely to be required. My arm was then manipulated into the correct position and put in a splint, from shoulder to elbow. A further X-ray was completed which now showed my humerus in an acceptable position and I was therefore told no surgery required for the time being. I was sent home with strong painkillers and told to return a week later.

Week 1 check up: X-ray showed that my humerus was now in a less favourable position than the week previous. They decided to try a brace for a week and see how it was looking. The brace was applied and the X-ray repeated, showing an acceptable position again. Sent home for a week. Having now done my own research, I believe the movement in my humerus over week one was due to having not been advised to stay upright at all times and to not rest my elbow. I had been sleeping on my side (on non-injured arm) and had often been resting my elbow on surfaces to give my neck a break from the weight of my arm.

Week 2 check up: Still happy with position of humerus. Told to begin some basic movement to try and stop elbow from seizing up too much. Asked to return the following week.

Week 3 check up: Position of humerus still acceptable. Different doctor this time. Doctor unsure whether callus was starting to show or whether just the angle of my injury on x-ray but seemed positive that all was going to plan. Asked to to return two weeks later to ensure position of humerus still acceptable. Told to start doing some shoulder movement also to prevent stiffness here.

Week 5 check up: Another new doctor. Doctor looked at my arm for first time today. Until this point no one had actually looked at it since the brace was fitted. He said from images on X-ray it was hard to tell if any healing had begun as until calcium present the X-ray won’t show it. But he felt the bone and also asked me to try and move my arm away from my body, and he seemed to think that the arm is beginning to now move as one unit, which he tells me is a good indication that healing has started. I have now been asked to return for my next check at the 8 week mark, when he hopes to have more concrete evidence of healing. He said by now the bone should be more stable in position and that the brace is more for comfort and support at this stage, therefore does not need to be too tight now.

I am keeping everything crossed that the next X-ray will show some progress. Mentally I feel like I am coping well considering, but I miss riding and running, and driving. I would also like to get back to work but the doctor has signed me off until my next appointment. I have had some dark days where I have felt like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve had days where I have felt very isolated having no freedom to drive anywhere, and as I live in a rural area my friends are not nearby to jus pop in. I am not a talker when I am struggling so my friends had not realised how difficult things were for me. However one day I was particularly upset when one of my friends called, and she then realised how difficult a time I am having. She has been very supportive since and has taken me out a few times to cheer me up/distract me.

Sleeping has been challenging. After I read that I should be keeping upright, I started sleeping propped up with pillows. The doctor has said to me that this is not necessary however I feel that it is worth a shot if it can help. I have however now I am passed the five week point began sleeping a lot less upright, almost flat on my back. I am hopeful that the bone has enough ‘sticky stuff’ to keep it in place now. This has helped me sleep as my main issue is neck pain, with the weight of my arm hanging on it constantly. I have been very fortunate that I have not to date experienced much pain in my actual arm. Discomfort at times, but not pain as such. I cannot yet fully straighten my arm at my elbow however from reading others journeys I believe this is fairly normal and is something I will need to work hard on to fix.

Sorry for the long post - I’ve struggled to find information around this, so I am hoping that my experience so far may be of interest to anyone else going through this now or in the future, and of course I would be interested to hear anyone else stories or inputs!


Good luck to you! Have had my share of horse-related injuries but feel well now. Hope your sleep improves.

I had a mid shaft fracture to my humerus last January after I came off my mare into the fence surrounding the arena. Worst pain ever. I had ORIF surgery and had a rod and screws put in to stabilize the fracture. I lost all use of my left arm for about two months and then had to do several months of PT several times a week. It was a horribly painful and debilitating injury. I still have daily shoulder pain and my range of motion and strength is not back to normal but I am back to riding and jumping. My advice is to do all the PT they recommend. Do heat before and ice after. The icy hot patches helped with pain relief as did a Tens unit. I remember that sleeping was miserable! Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!

Sounds like you are well on your way
just do the pt if you can

Another been there done that. I broke my right humerus just above my elbow (supracondylar, if you get technical) in 2004. I slipped on black ice in my driveway and landed on the arm because I have a brachial plexus injury which limits my ability to get it out of the way. It was horse-related: BO had asked me to take care of evening chores the Sunday 2 weeks before Christmas. I slipped when I got home, So if I hadn’t said yes I would have been safe at home with the cats. The sad part was I couldn’t get home to my parents and it was the last Christmas before my dad moved to a nursing home for Alzheimer’s.

Three days in the hospital because it was in four pieces. I went to the OR at 1 p.m. and work up at 5:15. I have 2 plates and 9 screws that are still there. The surgeon said to leave them in unless they bother me because it’s the same operation to get them out. Recovering from the surgery was difficult, especially the anesthesia. I was in a cast, fingertips to armpit for about 10 days, and then went into a brace. Fortunately the range of motion was “as tolerated” because of the nerve injury, and I didn’t have to go to PT. The pain was significant, but I did have a nurse who came daily for a couple of weeks and a home care person until I went back to work. Various friends from the barn took care of groceries.

I have to mention my wonderful boss, who let me do a flexible schedule so I can ride before work. Her response to my voicemail was her arrival at my bedside at noon and she helped me through the paperwork. My coworkers got me to the 1st follow up appointment and the department party with a Yankee swap on the way home. Christmas was spent with the boss’s family.

Weeks later my horse was dancing around and totally thrilled to see me. I think that helped my recovery because it didn’t feel like I spent that much time without him. The nerve damage from the brachial plexus injury is permanent and does affect my riding, but we are still aiming for a Century Ride in 2021.