Fall Martins Auction

Can anyone give me some insight on how this auction is?

It’s only about a 5 hour drive from me, and I figured it would be nice to just experience it, since I’m not expecting very much in the VSE/Mini cart or carriage department.

Is it worth bringing a trailer down just in case? Do you find you actually get a deal or are things pretty expensive still? If anything I was hoping we might be able to find a holly whip and possibly some other appointments for my husband.

Also in terms of planning - are animals allowed, or should we find a babysitter for the dogs?

No dogs allowed on the Fairgrounds, their rule, not Martins. So dog sitter is needed. We used to take our dogs, I miss that.

I absolutely recommend going, bring the trailer, you never know what will be found there! If the trailer is empty to go home, you can go to the office and have them announce empty trailer headed for … Then give them your name and phone number, perhaps you can make a few dollars hauling something home for your time!

You may find lots or little in the mini department. One just never knows until you arrive and start viewing the displays. Wear your walking shoes and plan on standing, some parts have no chairs for sitting.

We plan to attend, just to see what is being sold, price ranges on them. We do not NEED anything, but it is fun to see old friends, socialize, view the amazing things that show up there. I have to call Martins, see if they have room for a couple items I have. I forgot about getting them listed when the last sale brochure arrived.

Go! Bring the trailer. I attended the spring auction maybe 3 or 4 years ago, and the prices were very reasonable. But even if you don’t end up buying anything, it’s fun to catch up with friends and drool over at the carriages and appointments ;). DD Rapps usually has a booth there too, in case you are looking for a new custom hat and/or apron.
Plus, while you are there you can visit the various harness makers and carriage builders in the area. You will have a BLAST.

Go, and go with your trailer! I would find it hard to believe you dont find something fun and interesting to take home at least from the field sale!

With the one day format, there really is no field session. That outside stuff was inside the building, in one of the big rooms down the aisle. Trailers and trucks would be outside. But all the other things, antiques, clothing, blankets, accessories, fiberglass animals, are inside on tables or set against the wall. All vehicles go thru the main venue auctioneer.

At least this was what we saw last fall, did not attend the spring session. They may have refined their system, with this being the third one-day sale.

Heading out in the AM. Hoping we are behind the wet weather we had today. Just not fun. DD will care for horses and pets while we are gone, so no worries there. Had to swap horses to daytime turnout, it was cold and miserable at night. Hope the grass keeps growing to avoid feeding much hay yet. Still lots of things to do before cold arrives. But we are throwing up our hands and running off to enjoy ourselves instead!

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Went Thursday and got back Saturday evening. Driving the car instead of a truck sure speeds things up! Weather was nice too.

Lots to see, though not as much as when it was 2 selling days. They sold all day with several auctioneers and VERY late into the night. Bidders got tired and left until just a few were left. They were still selling when I left after 12A.

A couple collections were sold, carriages were gorgeous, some unique, vehicles in restored condition. They did get good prices for them. Other carriages were a bit low, others were sold at what I would expect for their condition.

Oddly, it seemed most of the harness was leather, almost nothing synthetic. They did turn away harness consignments because there was no more room for them. There were some lovely Freedman and Hunt’s harness sold for good prices. Lamps were selling lower, of the common designs. Lots of holly whips sold, all sizes and styles.

I managed to get a nice hitching post that looks like a tall tree stump. Missed the one with an interesting horse head I have not seen before. Probably a good thing because mine is shorter, fit in the car better. Most of the things I liked had others willing to pay more than me. Ha ha

We now have to get things around for Topeka IN, to drop off Saturday. Not open Sunday. They insist consignments be there before the Sale Day on Monday. So that makes for a lot of driving to consign and attend the sale. Will be interesting to see what shows up there.

Thanks for the Market Report @goodhors :smiley:
My $.02 is people are trading leather for synthetic & so leather goes to the sales.
If I could, I’d invest in a nice used leather for my mini, for Pleasure shows only.

I looked though the catalog for Martin’s (thanks @Carson Beach ) and saw some droolworthy pony carts, but nothing that looked small enough for my 34".
VSE is still too new for a lot of nice used stuff to show up at auction.

I might be at Topeka on Saturday, depends on if neighbor can find a flatbed big enough for the baler he wants to sell.
It will be a quicky trip in any event as he needs to be home before noon. We’d have to leave here by 5 or 6A to get the baler listed.
Not that attractive an option for me, but I did want to get some brown synthetic lines at one of the tack places across from the auction.
And maybe have lunch at the auction restaurant.

@2DogsFarm,I think you and I discussed my leather small pony harness some time back and determined it would not fit your little guy. I still have it, and haven’t pursued selling it.


@RMJacobs Small Pony size probably too big for my mini.
When I got his (Tough 1) mini-sized leather harness I had to take 8" off the girth.
He has {ahem} filled out, but still would need too much modification in lengths: traces, breeching, breastcollar.
Thanks, but I can wait until the budget can accommodate a made-to-fit leather harness.
Considering the amount & type of showing I do, that will be a while. :rolleyes:

@2DogsFarm I’ve not been able to sell this harness because it’s been too small for every small pony owner who expressed an interest. I hate to have it just sitting, but it’s not like it takes up a whole lot of room. Now I wish I’d donated it to a therapeutic riding/driving program I knew in Colorado. They got a lot of my other stuff, but I was having a hard time letting go of this harness because it was the last thing I had that belonged to my Hackney. The pads still smell like him. I miss him so much!


I understand hanging onto tack.
My TB - gone 10yrs - has a bridle hanging on a chair in my LR.
DH’s close contact saddle is on another.

Even the smallest Hackney would still be longer in body & broader across the chest than Bugs.

FB has a page for Hackneys & another for Carriage Turnout. Either of those might be places to list your harness.
I’d probably keep those pads though.:sadsmile:

I listed the harness on CD-L a couple of times. It just didn’t seem to fit anyone. It’s not hurting anything where it is.
