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Family Cat Scares off Attacking Coyotes

Good kitty!


did I hear him say ‘outdoor cat’? Really? Surely the cat is let in the house!


I doubt the cat lives without shelter. There could be many reasons the cat is an outdoor cat. It looks perfectly healthy to me.

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I am just thinking of the coyotes


Just shows you what the power of commitment and surprise attack can do.

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Cats can live outside
especially if they pee in the house.


I think that “outdoor” cats have a much better chance against coyotes than do little dogs. This cat is apparently alert and territorial, and the coyotes seem to respect its intense, hostile vibe.

Remember this cat vs a dog attacking small child? Another very territorial cat. (Good kitty!)



I think this cat had the element of surprise in his favor plus he knew to ( and could) run very fast.
Pooping must be very stressful, because they’re not as aware of their surroundings, understandably.
In the comment section one Southern Californian said she’d never seen a stray cat in her life in her coyote filled area.

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Believe it or not an older couple at church had video of their cat running off a black bear that came into his territory. He was a huge orange tom cat.

I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen it myself. What a great cat in the video above!

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My 80lb GSD is afraid of men. Nothing traumatic has ever happened to her. She got scared by one guy that opened a door and said hi to her when she wasn’t expecting it.

My bet is that if I were in trouble my outdoor kitty would go to the mat for me. Tori would run.