Oh dear, this is so funny and timely.
We’re in one of the regions that has had unrelenting and epic rainfall for the better part of a year. The ground is just mush, and thats in the best of areas, so in frustration I shut down one of the big paddocks months ago to give it a good long rest.
I normally pick manure in the paddocks daily or every other day, but I had let this one paddock go for several weeks due to life and rain.
A few weeks ago, I’m surveying the paddock and ringing my hands over all the manure, rather than pick it, I decide to break it up and spread it. But how? Ground is waaaaay too wet for a tractor.
Bright idea! I comprise a horse-drawn drag.
Horsey, who hasn’t driven in a year, is brought out to work. Its only 1.5 acres. I figure 40 minutes dragging the worst of it and we’ll be done. I hitch him up and he gives the drag a serious sideways glance.
Off we go and he’s trying understand his role in all of this. The only time Mom ground drives is when we’re working on laterals and fancy stuff like learning piaffe in hand… so horsey decides this is time for fancy.
He starts with some lovely shoulder in, and gets ready to do his spirals. Then its attemps at haunches in down the long end. As we come around the first pass he’s prepping for passage.
I am dying laughing! I have the worlds fanciest ‘plow horse’. Got to love morgans!
After 10 minutes of theatrics, I give up, horsey is thanked for his service and put away, and mom drags the drag herself.