Farrier suggestions in WI?

Looking for suggestions for a good farrier in Wisconsin, the closer to Oshkosh the better. Horse is currently barefoot and I would like to either remain that way or have a farrier who can switch back and forth (in the interest of pulling shoes in winter without losing progress). He does have underrun heels and long toes but USED to have great, solid feet - the current farrier has just let them get away from us and will not do a shorter rotation which is most likely all the horse needs.
Any ideas or places to look would be fantastic!

Click on the blue button on the left to “narrow by region”. Hopefully you can find someone that actually knows what they’re doing:)

This is how I found the therapeutic farrier who has been managing my foundered horse’s hooves for the last three years. She is one of the best and I had no idea she only lives 35 miles from me, until I found her in this web site:)

Good luck:’

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Highly recommend Heartland Horseshoeing LLC - Carrie Blesar. She’s in Shawano but does a fantastic job.


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