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Fashion police please

So, went from a very dark brown horse, to an orange one. Was showing in dark brown chaps & hat, w/ deep brown saddle. Ranch riding.

I think the saddle looks fine on her, can’t afford to change it anyway. However, can I continue with the brown hat & chaps? or do i need to change to black? Kind of on the fence & can’t decide.

Opinions please, & if you have any photos of you showing a sorrel in dark brown hat & chaps I would appreciate it…

There’s nothing wrong with brown on a sorrel. I know of and see plenty of people riding in brown on sorrel horses in cowhorse.


Second this! Also see it in the RR.
You are totally fine in your brown.


I’m with the others on this. Brown is fine, especially in RR. I think it looks more workmanlike and less formal (for lack of a better term) than black. I have black and keeping them clean at a show is a nightmare. My friend has a sorrel and white Paint and wears brown chaps and I’m jealous.


I definitely think dark brown would be fine on a sorrel. Heck, it may look better on the sorrel than a dark horse. :woman_shrugging:


Bud Lyon does it. You’ll be fine.



I personally think black looks a little “formal” for
ranch classes. I associate it more with horsemanship and pleasure. I think you’re fine!


IMHO the brown and earth tones look fantastic on a sorrel. And they are wonderful Western colors too. I would go for yellow browns over orange browns.

My chestnut Paint goes English and ended up with black tack but she looks fantastic in brown Western gear.


You’re absolutely fine with brown/earth tones on a sorrel/chestnut horse.

In a former life I kind of ‘wrote the book’ on what to wear in the western show arena, and i officially bless your dark brown on the new horse… in fact I quite like it.

Happy Trails, have fun!