I agree. I don’t understand why ANYONE would still be using IE as their main browser. I’ve been using it for over 3 years and would never go back.
Don’t forget to check out the Firefox Extensions. To keep this horse related, here are the ones that I consider most HR:
FasterFox - Exactly what it says. Speeds up Firefox even more.
AdBlock - Allows you to block annoying images, especially annoying animated images (I won’t mention which horse bulletin board I know puts a huge bar of annoying animated images all down the right side, but you can probably guess).
FlashGot – Allows you to download all the links/movies/whatever on one page in one fell swoop.
ForecastFox – Displays forecast and any special weather alerts on the bottom of your Firefox status bar. Great for people like me who are anal retentive about weather out at the barn!
You can find Firefox extensions at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:1.