Favorite children's horse books

Not about showing, but “Beat the Turtle Drum” makes me cry every time. I recently found a copy on eBay too!

To anyone who has read it - I never did find anyone who would rent me a horse for a week, but I saved my money just in case!

Anything by Jean Slaughter Doty… I made my mom go buy me all of 'em last year (yes, when I was 17) and I read them when I go home on vacations… certainly a change from my macroecon textbook…

I used to be obsessed with the Saddle Club, but only with like the first twenty of the series, then they got repetitive and dull.

The first couple of Thoroughbred series, but then they changed authors and kept changing the child focus and it got DUMB so I stopped with those.

There were also two books in the library, I think one was called Fly By Night or maybe that was the horse’s name or maybe that has nothing to do with them at all… Anyway, there are these two books in my old libe that I pick out by their cover and can’t remember the name of that are my alltime fave…

Also, an Austrailian book name A New Horse for Marny, which is just aweomse… It’s more eventing-based but it’s still good. I found it in an off-the-wall tack shop when I was like 14.

Yes, yes, I have many many horse… All the M. Henry books, of course… I’ll have to consult my collection when I get back to my parent’s house and get back to you.

I have a ragged old copy of The Horsemasters (Old Disney Movie was made from the book), Afraid to Ride, Brighty of the Grand Canyon, Flip, The Horse Show–and the Timber Trail Riders series. There’s a bunch more I bought through the Weekly Readers Book Club (remember that, Baby Boomers?) and I’d be so excited when we ordered them (at anywhere from .50 to $1.00 a book!) I love to read them even now!

Anyone remember “Jill Enjoys Her Ponies”? I checked out that book so many times in our Elementary School library. That was my all time favorite. I think it was printed in England.

My favorite Black Stallion book, hmm. I think its a tie between the original book and the book that brought The Black and the Island Stallion together, “The Black Stallion and Flame”. The vampire bat in that last book scared the willies out of me!

Has anybody heard of or read a book called “Everyday friends”? It’s about a couple of pre-teen girls and horse shows. I can’t remember who wrote it though.

Well, you all bring past memories to me. Jean Slaughter Doty who passed away a few years ago is my mother. She wrote many books and most of them about horses. “The Crumb” “Can I get there by Candlelight” “The Monday Horses” “Dark Horse” “Summer Pony” “Winter Pony” “Horses around the world” “Pony Care” and “Horsemanship for begginers” and many more childrens books. Many of my ponies (and myself) and her childhood have been mixed around in these books.

She was a wonderfull writer and a wonderfull horsewoman. She grew up with George Morris, Victor Hugo-Vidal and Ronnie Mutch. She judged the Maclay finals twice.

I miss her dearly and loved to read on this board how many of you remembered her.

She also wrote for the Chronicle.

Thank you!

[This message has been edited by Fivensevn (edited 05-17-2000).]

oh, boy does this thread bring back memories. i absolutely adored jean slaughter doty- the monday horses is one of my all time favorites, i still read it every now and then. my copy is VERY battered, lol. i read every one of the black stallion and the misty series, as well as the flicka series…found a very young rider in the library the other day and spent half an hour in memoryland…
also loved a horse called mr ragman, and one called the year of the horse which takes place in canada- about a teenager who strikes up a friendship with the rich boy next door and his farm…
anyone remember a british book called the fields of praise?? that one was great too…

Becca- et all - yep I grew up with the Saddle Club - and actually I’ve read some of the Pine Hollow ones to - saddle club 30 Autumn trail where Pepper died made me cry :frowning:

Loved those books…


Found a bibliography of horse books for young people.

Here’s the URL: http://www.prairienet.org/jjahiel/resources/ficjuv.txt

It sure brings back memories.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bumpkin:
Pamela and the Blue Mare was great. I don’t recall the author’s but the books titled Scarlet Royal and Pidgie’s Surprise were also favourites of mine. I am certain that I will be back with more…:slight_smile:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have Pamela and the Blue Mare and Scarlet Royal! How about “Hold the Rein Free”? I also have one I can’t recall the name of but involved a girl who inherited Gazelle and Bluebird from her uncle. Gazelle died in a stable fire and the girl went on to successful jumper showing on Bluebird.

If you have a copy of A Very Young Rider, hang onto it! Not only is it out of print, but I was looking at www.bibliofind.com last night and a good copy of it was going for up to $100! I remember loving that story. . .What ever happened to the Malloys?

Oh one of the paperbacks I got from school that I wore out was Golden Soverign. I need to find that one, I recall reading and rereading it, and now I cannot recall the story!! YIKES I’m getting olde!!hahaha

When I was little, I fell asleep EVERY night reading the Billy and Blaze. And then the next morning I would go out, ride Taggy, and pretend we were saving the barn from fire, or the robbers, or whatever Blaze had done in last nights story. I learned to read from them

And of us “Youngsters” We must have ALL read The Saddle Club books!!

I am yet to have gotten my hands on a copy of Horsemasters the book, nor Horse In The GRey Flannel Suit- two of my all time favorite movies.

M. O’Conner, I think the book you are talking abut was ‘Somebody’s Pony’. It was published under two different titles and I don’t remember the author. It was a great one!
All of the Dorothy Lyons books were great. Silver Birch, Dark Sunshine, Blue Smoke.
Afraid to Ride, A Horse of Her Own, Scarlet Royal and what was that one about the girl who is raised on a racing farm? They breed a filly who wins the Kentucky Derby. The filly’s name was Whickery. The Silver Brumby books, The Horsemasters, and one about a girl with an anglo/arab mare who does the jumpers. The authors first name was Gillian.
I have got to unbox those things.