Favorite Coolers?

I’m in the market for a new cooler. I would like something that dries my horse pretty quickly. I bought a Rambo AirMax that sounded great in the description, but the inner layer was made of some type of foam and I couldn’t imagine it holding up to being regularly washed and dried so I returned it. A friend had the original version of the Rambo Dry Rug and it worked great, but you had to hope that your horse didn’t roll in shaving because it was nearly impossible to get the shavings off. Has anyone tried the newer Rambo Dry Rug Supreme? Is it any better? It is kind of pricey. Any other suggestions of coolers that you all love?

Like full body cooler or like a sheet like cooler?

Sheet like cooler I like https://www.smartpakequine.com/pt/smartpak-thermo-cooler-22317

It’s a thermatex with smartpak label.

For full body, nothing beats wool. I love the old square coolers and use blanket clamps.


The new version of the dry rug is good, but not better. I would actually say maybe not quite as good.
I still like a good wool cooler. I hated the air max the Rambo waffle weave is fine but nowhere near as good as a good old-fashioned Irish knit which are impossible to find anymore. My favorite recent cooler purchase has been the Rambo sports cooler with the cotton back and the mesh underflow.

Second this SmartPak cooler, I was amazed at how fast it dried my horse after he got soaked out in the rain. It’s great material. The new model is here, same fabric: https://www.smartpakequine.com/pt/smartpak-deluxe-cooler-26443

I’ve had very good results with the Baker Fleece paddock sheet: https://thetotalequestrian.com/products/5-a-baker-fleece-dress-sheet

It also comes in full cooler/square style: https://thetotalequestrian.com/products/5-a-bakerfleece-cooler

The fleece is very light weight but wicks like wool. (I was extremely surprised at how well it does wick.) Plus it’s easy to wash and air dries quickly. Excellent product!

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I use my Rambo AirMax as a scrim for shipping in the fall/winter to avoid trailer rub marks personally.

But I resort to my Rambo Newmarket fleece for actual sweat/chill/baths.

Or an Irish knit with a wool cooler on top to wick sweat. Baker makes a nice Irish knit and I find wool coolers at consignment shops (though I love Triple Crown since they are real wool).

Fleece! I have 4 fleece coolers and they get a lot of use over the winter. Caveat: it’s not very cold here. Mine are unclipped or partially clipped (trace, blanket, etc).