Favorite joint supplement for humans?

My doctor recommended that I start taking a joint supplement. I asked for Adequan instead and she looked at me sideways… so what do you take for joint pain? I have arthritis in my SI joint and some issues with my spine.

8g ALA (1TBS Spectrum Flax Oil) worked well for me during menopausal arthritis – got me off of Vioxx and Celebrex long ago. High levels of ALA are anti-inflammatory. Otherwise, I don’t think any of the chondrotin/glucosamine combos work, although people like the Costco version.

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For me, NOW Double strength HA capsules (1 X 100 mg capsule a day) and 1000 mg glucosamine sulfate make my knees feel like they did in my 40’s.

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I started using my horse’s Lubrysin (HA) years ago before they marketed it for humans and dogs also. I have 5 broken
vertebrae in my lower back/SI/tailbone area. I was also doing barn/farm work daily and the Lubrysin was my miracle drug.

Within 20-30 min. I could work all day doing heavy work. I took it off and on for several years til I didn’t really need it much anymore.

Well worth it to try it. Plus they say it’s great for your skin.

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Funny! I just ordered some Lubrysin because my body is giving me even more grief (bad knee, bad wrists, lower back problems) than usual. I hope it works.


Our older dog gets it–has turned his rather coarse hair coat into fluffy soft bunny fur.

Can the above posters give ordering sites for the products that they are using that work?


lubrisyn - see correct spelling - syn. Buy it from mfgr. Lubrisyn or any Equine supply store- Valley Vet, Smartpak etc.

Watch for shipping cost.

Are any of you suffering from psoriatic arthritis? The new meds - like Humira - are out of sight so I need something that will help with joint degeneration and pain. Thanks.

If you are on private insurance (not Medicare or Medicaid), the biologic manufacturers will cover most or all of your copay. If you have no insurance at all, I think there are programs for that as well. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and have had copay assistance for a lot of years. I’m currently on Kevzara, which would cost me a big percentage of the contract cost, except for copay assistance. I pay nothing for it.


A friend recommended curcumin capsules. They’ve helped more than any other supp I’ve tried.