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Favorite Lesser Known Leather Care/ Your Care Routine

I’ve seen that recipe!!
How does it smell? Could I add lavender oil or would that not work?

It doesn’t smell like bacon grease, if that’s what you’re wondering! :joy: It has a very very mild smell. I can’t really describe it but it isn’t overpowering by any means. I think you would be fine to add lavender oil, in fact I think there’s a company that specifically adds essential oils to help prevent mold/mildew.

If you are in W-MA, send an email out to the Lochiatto Group. If you are not already in that email group, send me a PM.

You know, that kind of routine has fallen out of favor with me. I used to use products like that religiously, but I found certain cleaners like that too stringent. I bought the spray specifically because of a “custom” Passier bridle I purchased - for most of its life it only saw that spray (and the recommended follow-up with leaderbalsam). I stopped using it when the leather dye on the nose faded away.

Seems to me, whatever you put on leather ought to make the condition of the leather healthier, than it was before you applied it. Not worse.

Anyone use that Clyde’s Leather Restorer I’ve seen advertised on FB? I’ve been a little curious about it.

Currently using Oakwood Saddle soap but not particularly enamored with it. I like the conditioner though and their tack cleaning wipes are awesome for quick wipe offs.

I use the Stubben soap and Lederbalsam conditioner. Maybe 2x per year I oil with 50% olive oil, 50% neatsfoot.

My new discovery is this Epona tack cleaning sponge: https://www.bigdweb.com/product/epona+tacknology+advanced+tack+sponge.do

It’s like a mini Tiger’s Tongue but softer? I was a bit worried it would scratch my gear but it didn’t at all. I keep my stuff pretty clean but it was WILD how much grime this thing took off my saddle.