favorite lumbar support brace?

Went to see the doctor today and got a epidural spinal injection, which I hope will help. While I was there they fitted me with this very comfy lumbar support brace that felt good…and cost $954.00 because I haven’t yet met my deductible.

So, I sadly declined the brace, feeling sure that I could find something similar for less money.

Any recommendations?

Anyone? Bueller?

BTW, I know there’s been previous discussion in this forum re: epidural injections, so I just wanted to report that so far, my results are a-freaking-mazing. I feel better than I have in a long time. I can stand and walk without pain, do barn chores… It relieves pain I wasn’t consciously aware I had.

Of course, I’m only three days out, no idea how long it will last, and, as always, your mileage may vary.

I’m going to ride for the first time in months this weekend.

I got 5 different sets of injections last year. And 4 two years prior. So much fun! Ugh. Anyway, I don’t use a lumbar support, but I swear by my Back on Track back brace. It keeps my back nice and warm, and IMO, it keeps things looser. It could be mental, but hey, it works for me! I used a lumbar support brace and hated it… this one is way better.