In the desperate search for relief from the extremely debilitating nerve pain in my left thigh, I came across something called Mirror Therapy, which is frequently used with amputees experiencing phantom limb pain. The basic idea is that the affected limb is placed in a box ith a mirrored side, or hidden behind a large mirror, and the paired limb is reflected in the mirror making it appear as though there are two identical, normal, limbs. From what I understand, the patient then performs a series of movements or exercises with the good limb while watching the reflection in the mirror, and this is supposed to trick the brain into thinking that the affected limb is doing those movements/exercises without pain, thus reducing/eliminating the pain in the affected limb.
Has anyone tried it? Did it actually work for you?
In all honesty, it seems a bit too hokey, and with me needing to go out and actually buy a mirror that’s the right size to use to block/reflect my leg, I’m a bit apprehensive to just jump in. But it feels like it may also be one of my last hopes. At this point I have tried medication (both drugs that are used to reduce neuropathic pain and painkillers (narcotics) and anti-inflammatories (OTC and prescription), benzos, made an attempt at massage therapy in the area where the nerve is pinched/injured (and passed out from the pain), hot and cold therapy (increases the pain exponentially), I have started physio and the PT is completely stumped, tried swimming but my fear of water caused me to panic and sink which then became a vicious circle (had a “friend” try to drown me when I was in the 7th grade. been terrified of water ever since). If after 4 physio sessions I see no difference I’ll try accupuncture. I also see a therapist (though lately have been seeing her via skype due to being unable to get myself to appointments since I can’t drive and my parents both work, and I can’t get myself up my steep driveway to catch a cab [local cab drivers will not drive down it for some stupid reason]) every week and the focus on our sessions for the last 8 weeks has been on coping with the pain and focusing on recovery. I’m on a waiting list to see a neurologist because the pain has been getting worse every day since my initial injury (fell off horse, left hip took full force of landing, pinching at least 2 major nerves in the process [lateral cutaneous femoral for sure, other has not been diagnosed]). Family doctor and PT both want me to get an MRI but because the hardware used to repair my dislocated ankle (tore the ligaments in my fall, see other thread) is magnetic, I can’t have an MRI.
So yeah, while desperate for some relief, trying mirror therapy does require me getting out of the house and searching for an appropriate mirror, which causes me a lot more pain than I already feel while resting, so I don’t really want to cause MORE pain, just to find out that the mirror therapy theory is total hocus pocus.:no: