Fear of Riding with a Herniated Disc & Sciatica ~

I had weight restrictions for about two months.(no heavy lifting)I was riding close to the three month mark.The pain was nothing compared to the pain before surgery.I didn’t even take pain pills after surgery!The incision is small…maybe two inches.I have a minimal scar especially considering the cut me two times in the same place!But,I can’t stress this enough…PILATES is really what works for me.I didn’t find pilates til about five yrs after my last surgery.I was good before that,but since pilates I’m awesome!!I’m so strong in my core and that’s a direct impact on having a healthy back.I ride better than I ever have as well.If you smoke quit…it’s a terrible thing for back injuries and some surgeons won’t even operate on your back if you’re a smoker.Edited to add that yoga is great also.I just can’t do yoga…at all.I took one "gentle "yoga class and really did myself in.I’m just a pilates girl.Either way,find what works for you and do it religiously…best of luck and let us know what you do!!

Another herniated L5/S1 with others bulging. I had injections a couple of years ago and could probably go for another round. Before that, riding was out of the question and sometimes just getting dressed was an ordeal! It didn’t help that my doctor left me waiting for months before agreeing to get me an MRI to see why I could barely walk and why my right foot was numb. During that time, my farm went to utter crap since you can pay through the nose for help and get almost nothing in return other than vultures circling to take your cash or stuff.

Your tack does make a huge difference, as does your riding style. I stand off green Tbs’ backs a LOT. I can no longer do the Ottbs for that reason - it’s just too painful. I can sit just fine since that activates your core more, so the horses I have now are ones who prefer a the deep/tall ride. I also have a Biarritz that’s heavenly and probably the most important piece of tack is the Supracor half pad. I really recommend trying one and can’t do without mine!

I also have an inversion table in my basement that’s a lifesaver. Totally worth the money, but I wouldn’t use one if the injury’s fresh.

I am 18 and at 16 I was diagnosed with several different back conditions including stenosis in my lumbar, degenerative disc disease in my lumbar and neck, facet disease and I had a bulging disc on my L3 and herniated discs in my L4 and L5. I was told my multiple doctors, instructors and my family to never ride again. A year and a half later, I decided it’s only going to get worse so I might as well do what I love. I rode for the first time yesterday at a walk, trot and even a canter on a horse I never met. It was the best thing ever. I’m sore (as you all know) but not in much pain in my back. I have to live with the fear that if I fall off the perfect way that I could end up paralyzed and never on a horse again. But sometimes, you have to face the fear and get over it because stress increases the pain. Oh. And I have arthritis too (yes, at 16!!). I have found that ice does help or taking a hot shower helps too. Icy Hot and Advil helps so much for me. Hope you can find help!! If you realize nothing could help, I suggest looking into Laser Spine Institute. I had the surgery they recommended. I’d wake up and be so numb in both legs and in so much pain in my back that my brother would have to come help me sit up and move my legs. Now? I can move. I have to live with numbness though but that’s not bad necessarily. Surgery was my best option to give me a semi normal life because Im so young. But I’m living every day as if it’s my last day being able to walk.