Feed similar to Unbeetable?

Does anyone have any suggestions of feeds that are similar to Unbeetable? I recently discovered it and I love how quickly and fully it breaks down after soaking. Unfortunately I see that it is only sold at TSC and given their recent statements Id rather not patronize if I don’t have to. (Please, I don’t want to get into this aspect of it, its how I feel). Does anyone know of a beet product that is similar and breaks down quickly?

I do prep the feeding before but the Unbeetable was so great because in a pinch I could turn it to mush in minutes with hot water.

For reference, its to feed a 24 year old haffie cross with no front teeth, who just had his first choke episode a few weeks ago.


In the unbeetable thread it came up that some private feed stores have gotten that brand in for people. It might be worth asking your local feed store if they will do that for you.

SpeediBeet soaks up really quickly, but (IME) is harder to source and expensive. It’s beet pulp only, no alfalfa.

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Ah, thanks so much! I didn’t know there was an Unbeetable thread! Thanks!!!

Standlee recently came out with Smart Carb Performance, which is a similar pelleted forage+ unfortified feed.

And if you are in the PNW, there is always Haystack Special Blend or Low Carb.

Alfamax is another similar product, although fortified, I’m not sure of it’s availability outside of Texas though.

There might be others, but these are the ones I know of off the top of my head!

Here is a link to one of the posts about a private mill carrying the product.

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Speedi Beet has a companion product called Fibre Beet that is a beet pulp and alfalfa product. However since it’s imported from the UK, it is not cheap.

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You can always combine alfalfa pellets with beet pulp. The Standlee ones soak up water and soften pretty quickly. Also the Standlee alfalfa/oat and alfalfa/timothy cubes soak up and soften pretty quickly too but not the straight alfalfa cubes.

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I am simply going to say that your mileage on this product might be different.

I am glad they work so well for SusanO.


Well they softened fast this winter when I was feeding them. I was being careful because I had a horse that choked on them dry. However, I was using hot water (I soaked them in the house) and this may have been the difference.


they sell “rapid ready beet pulp” here - essentially looks like they’ve put beet pulp pellets thru a hammer mill, so not sure if you just put regular bp and alfalfa pellets thru a blender or took a hammer to them if it would help on the days you need a fast meal?

I totally believe you that they worked well for you. I really do!

I struggled with them. It might be a different plant making them type thing.

I buy Unbeetable beet pulp at both the locally owned feed store and at the farmers’ co-op I belong to.
check around–maybe ask another retailer if they’d consider stocking it.


The unbeatable people are very willing to work w other retailers. I called and got all the distribution information for my local retailer. I’d share here but I don’t remember it anymore.

Did you see my new post - they are working out a deal with Chewy!