Feelgood Farm

I saw the older thread, largely of complaints pre-2020. Has any one had more recent purchasing experience, good or bad?


I wouldn’t buy from there without an extensive PPE. Some folks have good experiences but many folks don’t.


Drove 4 hours with a friend to see a few ride&drive horses. All of their “Canadian Warmbloods” are draftX from the Amish that they source from dealers over the border. All were 10-12 y/o and had coggins that said Canadian WB of some sort.

All of the horses that we looked at were about 10 weeks past due for shoes, 200lbs underweight or had such bad back/SI pain that they would sit down if palpated. Didn’t sit on a single horse and we didn’t trust that any were safely broke to drive.

Got out of there as soon as a woman pulled up with a trailer, got out and said her horse that she purchased 2 days ago colicked and died and she wanted a new one.

Morgan has/had a nicer operation of $$ jumper warmbloods but it’s not necessarily connected to the “dude ranch” sales barn. Her daughter Elizabeth (Tweeny) was running the sales barn but left a few years ago and started her own training business I believe.

Steer. Clear. Or pay for a $$ PPE and drug panel. I feel for some of the horses there :cry:


Don’t buy a horse from here. I went into my experience with them thinking the owner was trust worthy, and genuinely had the best interest. I should have listened to myself and not ignored the red flags… First of all what they sell these horses for is insane. They definitely advertise draft x’s for superrr expensive, and it looks exactly like a standardbred. I saw horses that were underweight, lame, had awful feet, pretty much looked like some of these horses were just trailered in from auction. I thought maybe she bought them that way and is gonna put weight on them and get them vetted. But they were for sale and actively being ridden. I did find a horse that I fell in love with there, and I ended up buying. He was hard to say no to. Didn’t get a ppe because the horse is sound and has been sound since I tried him the first day. Someone reached out to me when they found out I bought him from there, and said to get him tested for epm because they bought a horse from feelgood and had to put it down within the first year because of epm. So I test my guy and he’s positive for epm. He had no symptoms so it wouldn’t have came up on a ppe. Anyways get him treated for that then I notice he drools an excessive amount when he eats. Like a crazy amount. This is after I treated him for ulcers because he had those too. I’m like this definitely isn’t normal so I get the vet out once again. Vet does radiographs… he has a tooth abscess. This also wouldn’t have came up on a ppe because it’s not visible nor can you feel it on his mandible. $4000 later tooth needs to come out. This horse was also said to have been shod a few days before coming to me. It looked like someone who had no idea what they’re doing just nailed on a shoe. Probably because he hates the farrier and won’t stand for it. I was told he stands wonderfully for the farrier. I’m not saying the EPM and abscess was necessarily their fault for missing. Because both of those took me about a month to realize, and I don’t think they had him that long. But whoever they bought him from definitely neglected a lot of noticeable things. The horses they get from who knows where are definitely not given the proper time and vet care there. I definitely think this is a sale barn that’s advertised as fancy, and they get nice imported sport horses. But they cut corners, and it’s all about the money. Overall, I think the way they operate is slimy and I would not recommend anyone buys any animal from them.

It turns my stomach to know that people treat these sensitive yet stoic animals so terribly.