FEI Para Grade V Intro test A


I am hoping there are Grade V para riders on here that have ridden the above test (and/or Intro test B which has similar movements).

Movement 4 and 7 state “Show some lengthened strides” in trot. I note in the FEI tests that are ridden internationally the movement is, for example, “HP Medium trot”, being medium trot from H to P in its entirety, with the following movement being the transitions in and out of medium trot at H and P. In lower level able bodied tests lengthened strides are to be shown progressively, or the actual number of strides (5 - 7) are advised.

Lengthened strides are to be shown in canter also, movements 12 and 15.

Thanks :slight_smile:

My Novice B test also has a similar wording,“some lengthened steps over B”. I’m in a short court, so even on a 15 hh horse I can only get a few in before I need to walk… I find the way some of the FEI tests are worded to be really hard to decipher. Our interpretation has been enough of each to show a difference between the lengthened and non-lengthened.

I’ve only shown B schooling, hopefully showing it next month under an FEI para judge who will tell us if our interpretation of that is wrong!